Monday, 29 April 2013

Amongst lightness and the reverberation of material.

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Text/Tent/Texture #1

Text/Tent/Texture #1 by Russell Moreton
Text/Tent/Texture #1, a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

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Drawing as a structural component #2

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Building Materials.Document on the building of an inquiry. #3

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The Garden : Diagram, template and observational record. #1

Site drawing from "a pathway between sunrise and sunset" staged at Kilquhanity, Scotland 2011. This research has led to notions of architectural "interventions" and " footprints" through the direct observational mapping of celestial alignments and movements as they permeate with the landscape.

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pinhole camera, oil drum.

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Pinhole Cameras

Pinhole Cameras by Russell Moreton
Pinhole Cameras, a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

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Drawing from the body, 2010 Pencil,cyanotype and ink on paper with astronomical data.

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Sunday, 28 April 2013

Interior Architecture : Literature and the Visual.

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Lines of inquiry, spaces for exploration #2

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Paper Interventions/Architecture #3 (work in progress)

Amulets have appeared throughout history and across cultures in a variety of forms.
They are tiny embodiments of the anxieties we feel and their assumed powers often
draw on the dark arts of superstition and magic.
Charmed Life is curated by artist Felicity Powell and features 380 amulets from the Pitt
Rivers Museum. The amulets, ranging from simple coins to meticulously carved shells,
dead animals to elaborately fashioned notes, were collected by the banker and
obsessive folklorist Edward Lovett who scoured London by night, buying curious
objects from the city’s mudlarks, barrow men and sailors.
The exhibition includes new pieces and videos by the artist.
A touring exhibition from Wellcome Collection, London in partnership with Pitt Rivers
Museum, Oxford.

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Proposals Merging Practices : #4

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Saturday, 27 April 2013

Spatiality : Space over Time

All that is solid melts into air"

Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels,
(Poetic observation concerning the constant revolutionizing of social conditions)

Perceptions now gathering at the end of the millennium. Spatiality, Robert T. Tally Jr. 2013

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Studio Presence #2

Studio Presence #2 by Russell Moreton
Studio Presence #2, a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

Art as Spatial Practice.
Space folds : Containing "Spatialities around historicality and sociality"

All that is solid melts into air"

Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels,
(Poetic observation concerning the constant revolutionizing of social conditions)

Perceptions now gathering at the end of the millennium. Spatiality, Robert T. Tally Jr. 2013

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PB124876a : Mapping.

PB124876a : Mapping. by Russell Moreton
PB124876a : Mapping., a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

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Untitled : Objects in Space.

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Site Drawing (detail)

Site Drawing (detail) by Russell Moreton
Site Drawing (detail), a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

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Building Spatial Taxonomies #05

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Building Spatial Taxonomies #06

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Registering overlapping spaces #2

Public intimacies, personal dialogues in social spaces.

"Blocking in" of a private studio space of creative inquiry into the public realm as a permeable intervention.

Main reception area,UCA Canterbury 2010.
Russell Moreton, Spatial Practices.

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Thursday, 25 April 2013

Merging Visuals (time through space) : Architects study room,Canterbury.

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Light Values UV

Light Values UV by Russell Moreton
Light Values UV, a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

Collage from Modernist interior (shower/treatment room) and working drawing from a leaded window, composition pierced with diagrams of chance.

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Abstract: "half light stillness"

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Architectural Praxis

Architectural Praxis by Russell Moreton
Architectural Praxis, a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

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Collage,space and stamps

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Time as a structure and an event #1

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Pinhole Cameras collecting "slow-time" : Surfaces and Spatiality.

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Monday, 22 April 2013

Layered Space and Drawing, sepia 1.

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Architectural Projection : Detail #1

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Architectural Projection : Full Screen

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Non-Spaces : Transparent Montage.

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Research collage,full page. 15.01.2011

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Untitled,Drawing/Collage for light box, architectural setting.

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(merging spaces) St Nicholas : Kingsley, Hampshire.

Intrinsic components of object and place.
Pinhole photograph merging the space of architecture between the interior and the exterior.

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Saturday, 20 April 2013

An Armada for Childhood : Proposal for Southampton Art Vaults 08

Proposal for Southampton Art Vaults 08

Installation using large paper boats in a space under the cities walls.
Paper boats (1.5 m long) some "marooned" with poured plaster.

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Thursday, 18 April 2013

Artists Book, "Leylines" an art based inquiry.

Artist’s Book: white and coloured pages, card covers with cyanotype of Winchester Cathedral.

A hand bound book comprising of five signatures each with four folios. This book contains a collection of postcards made from contact prints and photograms from Tidbury Ring using the cyanotype process. Other pages contain some cyanotype paintings/abstracts around the theme of dwelling and hut. Silver gelatine images of St Catherine’s Hill are present as are some experimental pinhole photography.

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Tertiary Spaces : Colour, Space and Detailing.#1

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Tertiary Spaces : Colour, Space and Detailing.#3

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Tertiary Spaces : Colour, Space and Detailing.#4

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Tertiary Spaces : Colour, Space and Detailing.#6

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