Sunday, 29 September 2013

Beach Fired Ceramic : Smoke/Reduction.

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Camera Obscura : Kilquhanity 2011. #1

Dark Session's : Shadowy speculations in the pottery. Kilquhanity 2011

Silver gelatin prints from a "room obscura" set up at Kilquhanity, Scotland 2011 as part of "Back to Free school, Drawing out the Archive".

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Monday, 23 September 2013

The Architecture of Interior Spaces.

Pinhole Photography, Winchester Discovery Centre and Library.

Analogue : On Zoe Leonard and Tacita Dean. Margaret Iversen 2012

"The imprint of light on emulsion"
"The alchemy of circumstance and chemistry"

Tacita Dean : Filmworks, Kodak Analogue, page 96/97

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