Saturday, 25 June 2016

Russell Moreton : Remote Sensing and Translations from Drawing to Building

Drawing into the Reading Room.

'Ordinary things contain the deepest mysteries'
 The Social Condenser in Operation.
Five figures and a stature distributed evenly in its isotropic space; a picture of the socialized as opposed to the sociable.
Robin Evans,
Figures,Doors and Passages.

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Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Russell Moreton : Prints From Secrets and Ambiguity

Is there still an aesthetic illusion? And if not, a path to an “aesthetic” illusion, the radical illusion of secret, seduction and magic? Is there still, on the edges of hypervisibility, of virtuality, room for an image?
— Jean Baudrillard, The Conspiracy of Art, 2005
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Tarkovsky : Solaris/Connected by Innumerable Threads

“In all my films, it seemed important to me to remind the audience to the fact that they are not alone, lost in an empty universe, but that they are connected by innumerable threads with their past and present, that through certain mystical ways, every human being realizes the rapport with the world and the life of humanity.” – Andrei Tarkovsky

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