Monday, 25 February 2019

At The Potters Wheel : Clay Workings

Clay Work : Visceral Practices
Pastoral Space: Material, Inquiry and Craft
Art and Agency : The Evolving Curriculum (axes of coherence/amongst motifs, Alfred Gell )
Studio Space,The Yard 2, Winchester.

A Potter's Book: Bernard Leach

Art and Agency, an anthropological theory.
Alfred Gell

Material Agency : Carl Knappett, Lambros Malafouris
Visualising Environmental Agency

Agents are defined as persons or things, which have the ability and intention to "cause" something in the vicinity or in the mileau to happen ( Gell 1998)
These latter artefacts are described with the term "index", to remove the appellation "art" and to imply that they are indexes of agency.
Some Stimulating Solutions, Andrew Cochrane.

1000 "pots" performative site 2011. The Yard, Winchester.
At The Potters Wheel, Pinhole Photography/Collage

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