Monday, 31 December 2012

Sequential Photograph : In the space around the "spatial turn" (539)

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Natural History : Collage with cyanotype inclusions

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Speculative Series : Space and Typography #6

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Camera Obscura : Kilquhanity 2011. #5

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Archaeology of Violence : Ceramic Remains 2012

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Target.Winchester Cathedral 2011.

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Thursday, 20 December 2012

Biosphere 2012. Russell Moreton

Oxford Dictionary of Geography: spatiality
The effect that space has on actions, interactions, entities, concepts, and theories. Physical spatiality can also be metaphorical. It is used to show social power—thrones are higher than the seats of commoners, and ‘high tables’ for university teachers in most Oxbridge colleges physically elevate the teachers over the taught. People use proximity to show how intimate they want to be with others (See personal space), or orientation; we may face someone or turn away from them. Institutions and governments have used large architectural spaces to invoke awe, while restaurateurs may create ‘cosiness’ in small spaces.
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Scripted Space.

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Scripted Space.

Chamber pinhole position 7Architectural Drawing : Glass on Paper.Thresholds  Spatial Drawings on Paper and Glass. #3Spatial Drawings on Paper and Glass. #5Liminal Movements #2.
Spatial Drawings on Paper and Glass. #2Liminal Movements #1.Spatial Drawings on Paper and Glass. #10Spatial Drawings on Paper and Glass. #8Liminal Movements #3.Spatial Drawings on Paper and Glass. #19
Spatial Drawings on Paper and Glass. #15Chamber pinhole position 12Artists Book : Leylines. Pages from the chamber (774)Spatial Drawings on Paper and Glass. #13

Scripted Space., a set on Flickr.

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