Thursday, 26 July 2012

ArtSlant - Russell Moreton


UK based visual fine artist working in alternative photographic processes, installation and drawing. Interested in using "Spatial Practices" to inquire into architectural space through fine art and performative interventions. Practicing craftsman in architectural glass and ceramics.

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Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Research Journal : July 2012 :b. Tidbury Ring.

Research Journal : July 2012 :a
29 August,
There's more truth about a camp than a house. Planning laws need not worry the improvising builder because temporary structures are more beautiful anyway, and you don't need permission for them. There's more truth about a camp because that is the position we are in. The house represents what we ourselves would like to be on earth: permanent, rooted, here for eternity. But a camp represents the true reality of things: we're just passing through.
Wildwood : A Journey Through Trees. Roger Deakin

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Sunday, 22 July 2012

Architectural Glass :

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Chapter Two :

Chapter Two : by Russell Moreton
Chapter Two :, a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.


The succession of gigantic geophysical upheavals which had transformed the Earth's climate had made their first impact some sixty or seventy years earlier. A series of violent and prolonged solar storms lasting several years caused by a sudden instability in the Sun had enlarged the Van Allen belts and diminished the Earth's gravitational hold upon the outer layers of the ionosphere. As these vanished into space, depleting the Earth's barrier against the full impact of solar radiation, temperatures began to climb steadily, the heated atmosphere expanding outwards into the ionosphere where the cycle was completed.

JG Ballard, The Drowned World.

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Chemical Garden : The Lagoon. DSC_2198g

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Friday, 20 July 2012

Field Document : Dwelling Place/Tidbury Ring (383)

Tidbury Ring is the site of an Iron Age univallate hillfort located in Hampshire. The earthworks have been heavily destroyed by ploughing, but some sections to the south remain in better condition. The entrance lies to the southeast of the fort. The interior is for the most part farmland with the earthworks now covered by small trees and undergrowth[1] Two Roman buildings, possibly a courtyard villa complex were found within the hill-fort. The site is now listed as a scheduled ancient monument no.87[2]

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Field Document : Dwelling Place/Tidbury Ring (381)

Tidbury Ring is the site of an Iron Age univallate hillfort located in Hampshire. The earthworks have been heavily destroyed by ploughing, but some sections to the south remain in better condition. The entrance lies to the southeast of the fort. The interior is for the most part farmland with the earthworks now covered by small trees and undergrowth[1] Two Roman buildings, possibly a courtyard villa complex were found within the hill-fort. The site is now listed as a scheduled ancient monument no.87[2]

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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Friday, 6 July 2012

Synergy between materials,marks and phenomena (detail).2010

Human trace drawing with photogram of natural vegetation ( bindweed ) together with a star chart showing the constellation of Eridanus ( the river in Greek Mythology )
Drawing on paper 255x150cms

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Thursday, 5 July 2012

Photogram (294)

Photograph (294) by Russell Moreton
Photograph (294), a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

Photogram from an astronomical atlas with wild grass seed heads, produced on a postcard through the cyanotype process.

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Photograph : Clay Drawing (250)

Dwelling Place : Sunrise.
Clay structure on paper with drawn additions in charcoal.

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Photograph : Clay Drawing (249)

Collage of interests, clay structure on the theme of " Dwelling Place", star trails from a long durational exposure and a drawing produced "involuntary" from the working with clay.

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