Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Stillness : Working environment at Chapel Arts Andover. #3

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Concrete Surfaces : Anatomy #1

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Stillness : Working environment at Chapel Arts Andover. #2

The drawing situation together with its materials act as an active threshold between now and from elsewhere.

Street rubbing from Andover town centre done in-situ with added astronomical data. Footprints drawn and represented in lead together with lead strips and masking tape. Installed and further acted upon in a temporal studio space set-up as a working inquiry between public space and that of a "practice"( the artist's domicile/thinking/working-out space).

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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Stillness : Working environment at Chapel Arts Andover. #1

The drawing situation together with its materials act as an active threshold between now and from elsewhere.

Street rubbing from Andover town centre done in-situ with added astronomical data. Footprints drawn and represented in lead together with lead strips and masking tape. Installed and further acted upon in a temporal studio space set-up as a working inquiry between public space and that of a "practice"( the artist's domicile/thinking/working-out space).

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Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Photograph (33) Pinhole Photography/Research Collage : Winchester Library UK

Representing Complexity: Intersections of Art and Science
Thursday, February 28, 2013
1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
2115 Tawes Hall and other locations as noted
Friday, March 1, 2013
10:00 am-6:00 pm
2115 Tawes

[Directions to Tawes via Google Maps]

[Campus Visitor Parking Map. Nearest Visitor Parking: Union Lane Garage, Stadium Drive Garage]

Many of the most pressing social and ecological issues, from climate change to turbulence in financial markets, grassroots protests to antibiotic resistance, are essentially case studies in complexity. So too are many of the most exciting technological innovations and fields of theoretical inquiry, from CGI animation to Wikipedia, systems theory to “object oriented ontology,” network analysis to emergence.

This symposium will ask how the challenges of representing complex phenomena—whether in language, film, computer modeling, or other media—affect our understanding of it. Furthermore, how does the question of representation provide a register for common inquiry across methodological and disciplinary grounds? We bring together scholars in a wide array of fields including linguistics, computer science, neuroscience, philosophy, literary studies, and media studies, to explore the intersections (and disconnections) between the representation of complexity in the arts, sciences, and humanities.

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Site based images : Morn Hill 2013. #1

Pinhole Photography : Anglo Saxon Grave.

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Blue Print : Mapping Space (Morn Hill Series)

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Architectural Abstract : Collage and Timber-frame. 1

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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Surrounding Objects : Critical Proximity ~6

Clay impression, drawing and form

Research Material
Photographic Drawings


Architectural Environments
Surrounding Objects
2006 Birkhauser, Basel, Switzerland.

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Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Artists Book : Leylines. Pages from the chamber (780)

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Leylines Installation : Mapping Tool #2

“Leylines” has been appropriated and employed as both a practical and as a conceptual strategy to inquiry into places and localities. Site visits and sensitive dialogues with the other artists at a number of locations have further brought materials and processes into the creative realm. The spatial practice of setting-up this work has also produced insightful local knowledge from those dwelling nearby.

Beams and Netting: Negotiations in the chamber.

Clay, Hessian, drawings and transparencies from architectural openings, drawing frame, antique glass, lead and nylon lines.

This intervention into a listed building has become a temporary refuge for a work in progress. The work attempts to show a creative agency as it encounters a host of installed hierarchies and conditions. The architectural motif on the drawings has been derived directly from the open apertures of the chamber, and these drawings also reference the supportive ironwork (Ferramenta) which has been playfully re-registered as a graphic leyline . A drawing frame similar to that used in archaeology for drawing has been adapted to illustrate the relative positions of the leyline as registered by the ordnance survey grid, both terminuses being labelled on the frames periphery.

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Tidbury Ring : roll of contact prints as cyanotypes.

Artist’s Book: white and coloured pages, card covers with cyanotype of Winchester Cathedral.

A hand bound book comprising of five signatures each with four folios. This book contains a collection of postcards made from contact prints and photograms from Tidbury Ring using the cyanotype process. Other pages contain some cyanotype paintings/abstracts around the theme of dwelling and hut. Silver gelatine images of St Catherine’s Hill are present as are some experimental pinhole photography.
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Tidbury Ring : Artists Book

Photograph (714) by Russell Moreton
Photograph (714), a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

Artist’s Book: white and coloured pages, card covers with cyanotype of Winchester Cathedral.

A hand bound book comprising of five signatures each with four folios. This book contains a collection of postcards made from contact prints and photograms from Tidbury Ring using the cyanotype process. Other pages contain some cyanotype paintings/abstracts around the theme of dwelling and hut. Silver gelatine images of St Catherine’s Hill are present as are some experimental pinhole photography.

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Monday, 12 August 2013

Digital Still : Alternative Processes, Tate Modern.

Photography and Architectural Space.

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Peter Zumthor : Thinking Architecture 2010.

The Lives That Are Hidden - 173

The Architecture of Continuity : Lars Spuybroek ( Essays and Conversations) 2008.

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Interior Architecture : Spatiality #3

Digital still from CCTV installation.
Winchester School of Art.
Russell Moreton : Visual Fine Art

The Violence of Participation : Spatial Practices Beyond Models of Consensus.

Markus Miessen

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Space and Form #2 Blue.

Space Drawing, derived from a ceramic form fired on the beach at St Ninian's Cave, Scotland 2012.

Cyanotype with pencil on pierced paper with pins, boxed mounted.

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Saturday, 10 August 2013

Leylines : Artist's Book 2012

St Catherine's Hill, Winchester.
Silver gelatin print.

Artist’s Book: white and coloured pages, card covers with cyanotype of Winchester Cathedral.

A hand bound book comprising of five signatures each with four folios. This book contains a collection of postcards made from contact prints and photograms from Tidbury Ring using the cyanotype process. Other pages contain some cyanotype paintings/abstracts around the theme of dwelling and hut. Silver gelatine images of St Catherine’s Hill are present as are some experimental pinhole photography.

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Clay Work : Visceral Practices

Studio Space,The Yard 2, Winchester.

A Potter's Book: Bernard Leach
Art and Agency,an anthropological theory: Alfred Gell

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Plan Chest, the laboratory of learning.

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Geodesic Drawings : Observatory #1

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