Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Photograph (33) Pinhole Photography/Research Collage : Winchester Library UK

Representing Complexity: Intersections of Art and Science
Thursday, February 28, 2013
1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
2115 Tawes Hall and other locations as noted
Friday, March 1, 2013
10:00 am-6:00 pm
2115 Tawes

[Directions to Tawes via Google Maps]

[Campus Visitor Parking Map. Nearest Visitor Parking: Union Lane Garage, Stadium Drive Garage]

Many of the most pressing social and ecological issues, from climate change to turbulence in financial markets, grassroots protests to antibiotic resistance, are essentially case studies in complexity. So too are many of the most exciting technological innovations and fields of theoretical inquiry, from CGI animation to Wikipedia, systems theory to “object oriented ontology,” network analysis to emergence.

This symposium will ask how the challenges of representing complex phenomena—whether in language, film, computer modeling, or other media—affect our understanding of it. Furthermore, how does the question of representation provide a register for common inquiry across methodological and disciplinary grounds? We bring together scholars in a wide array of fields including linguistics, computer science, neuroscience, philosophy, literary studies, and media studies, to explore the intersections (and disconnections) between the representation of complexity in the arts, sciences, and humanities.

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