Friday, 20 December 2013

Paper Interventions/Architecture #1 (work in progress)

Amulets have appeared throughout history and across cultures in a variety of forms.
They are tiny embodiments of the anxieties we feel and their assumed powers often
draw on the dark arts of superstition and magic.
Charmed Life is curated by artist Felicity Powell and features 380 amulets from the Pitt
Rivers Museum. The amulets, ranging from simple coins to meticulously carved shells,
dead animals to elaborately fashioned notes, were collected by the banker and
obsessive folklorist Edward Lovett who scoured London by night, buying curious
objects from the city’s mudlarks, barrow men and sailors.
The exhibition includes new pieces and videos by the artist.
A touring exhibition from Wellcome Collection, London in partnership with Pitt Rivers
Museum, Oxford.

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