Friday, 28 February 2014

Drawing Scripts : Light Sensitive Spaces. #1

Working Notes/Scripted Drawing

Contents/Space Page

"Boundaries and junctions points are in the nature of things points of friction"
Lefebvre, The Production of Space.

The act of "blocking in" the dimensions of another space within the continuum of another can propose to create a temporal junction between a host space and a new site within this host, a guest. This activity also has associations with nomadic and agricultural-pastoral societies as they use paths and routes as spatio-temporal markers or determinants.
R Moreton, Working Notes, Spatial Practices, Canterbury

Drawing with Layered Architectural Drawings


Arte Povera
Social Space

"Translates the painterly relationship of figure and ground into the space of real situations"
The Visual Poetics of Jannis Kounellis, Suzanne Cotter and Andrew Nairne.
Modern Art Oxford, 2004-2005.

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