Friday, 12 November 2021


OUTPOST 111121

Spatial Practice/Spatial Representations
The Body and Space.
Lefebvre : The Production of Space.
A spatial theory/programme that seeks to reconcile the fractured definitions of space as perceived, conceived and lived, through deployment, occupation, immediate relationship.

The body is a medium that allows us to experience space.

Hortus Conclusus a walled garden. 
A Serious Place

The Garden of Forked Paths
Deviant, troubling and open-ended frames and features.
Boundaries, limits and transgressions.

Beyond privileging her body as subject and ruinous spaces for sites, Woodman made certain methodologies and technical approaches characteristic aspects of her practice in furthering the effects of the body/space encounters.
Cassandra Blair. 2015 

Some Disordered Interior Geometries. 1980-81 
The precision of mathematics meets up with the unruliness of bodies and selves.
Francesca Woodman's artist books.

The Contained Nature of Photographic Representation.
We respond to the experience in the photograph, the inner feeling generated by it.

Study For Space²
Hand drawn frames around the blurred presence of a body.

Francesca Woodman, Untitled, Providence, Rhode Island. 1975-78

The logic of the photograph and the logic of framing the self.
Contact sheet with annotations/spatial coordinates/lines and forms.

Every surface is sensitive to light, to pressure, to inscription.
Architectural surfaces heighten the relationships between the body and space.

Emotion, Space and Society.

The flickering presence of Woodman suggests a less knowable form of subjectivity that remains porous to one's environment, a form of subjectivity produced in relation to to objects and buildings.
An intimate mode of looking : Francesca Woodman's photographs. 
Jane Simon. 2010

Ellipses as aposiopesis signals a certain trailing off, a sentence ending or not ending in the suspension of unresolved thought.

Francesca Woodman, Untitled, Providence, Rhode Island. 1976
Francesca Woodman, from Angel series Rome, Italy. 1977-78

She ponders the matter of things, the shape of herself that/what remains on the floor's emulsive surface. Skin, flesh, building materials, decay.

Photography sustains her inquiry into forms of subjectivity.

Intimate Viewing and The Play of Boundaries

The surfaces of representation through the articulation of a photographic process/practice.
Framing/Accommodating the Subject :Viewing apparatuses and mechanisms.
Photography and Architectural Voyeurism
The Split Wall : Domestic Voyeurism. Sexuality and Space, Beatriz Colomina. 1992

Negative and indexical shapes, corporeal and architectural playfully succumbed into an emulsive surface containing shadow and light.

The InHUMAN : Reflections on Time. Jean-Francois Lyotard. 1998

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