Sunday, 10 July 2022

Paintings, spatial field grounds, layered paint and paper with photographic inclusions.

 Outpost 080722

Paintings, spatial field grounds, layered paint and paper with photographic inclusions.

Output of Artists' Studios

Vital space for production, presentation, connection and exchange.

The cyanotype  process in contemporary art practice.

Cyanotype Collages, Karl Blossfeldt

Cyanotype canvas, yellow ochre, sun mappings, spatial space/time forms, apparatuses and diagrams.

Harleston drawing/research, access to archive material.

Parallax, Steven Holl.

Enmeshed Experience

A complex interlocking of time, light, material, and detail creates the cinematic whole wherein we can no longer distinguish individual elements.

Filmmaker Andrey Tarkovsky speaks of cinematic enmeshing in his description of a scene from Akira Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai. A medieval Japanese village. A fight is going on between some horsemen and the samurai who are on foot. It is pouring rain; there is mud everywhere. The samurai wears an ancient Japanese garment, which leaves more of the leg bare, and their arms are plastered in mud. And, when one samurai falls down dead, we see the rain washing away the mud and his leg becoming white, as white as marble. 

Enric Ruiz-Geli. Cloud 9 Architects.

Building As Prototype.

In the case of a practice like Cloud 9, driven as it is by inventing, making and testing via the evolving prototype, its buildings are never just a pavilion, a case study, a prototype or even a 'really nice sculpture': they are all of them.

Formwork/Prefabricated Coffers/Interior Surface/Exterior Substrate.

An architectural practice driven by the the act of making in which the prototype has a fundamental role in testing performance and performativity for the user.

On-site prototypes, not modelling or mock-ups that just represent design issues, but prototypes that develop with fabricators and builders to become the 'final prototype' the completed building.

Case Study House/Pavilion 3

Research Invention/Patenting.

A prototype is something between a patent and the user.

Realizing The Physical Prototype

Prototyping Performance

Prototyping Through Subtraction

Virtual Prototyping

Distinguishing between models and prototypes by attributing to each of them different communication tasks.

Models are a means of visually communicating concepts among the design team, whereas prototypes are for communicating performance as well as helping to envisage and test new ideas.

Mock-ups keep the designer from having a meaningful dialogue with the process of designing-through-making.

Architectural students are beginning to think of new ways of working, including much greater integration between off-site fabrication and on-site assembly.

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