Friday, 9 June 2023

Tim Ingold : Textility of Making/Hungate Clay Drawings/Speculative Constructions/Interior Design Theory

The House is all about the poetry of shelter and siege from the elements and cosmos.

Gaston Bachelard.

In And Out Of Material. 2007.

Tony Cragg.

All our senses scan the space in front of us; the future, in both a literal and metaphorical sense, lies before us.

Clay, is always a working idea, a matter/material process between things, a form of thinking in process.

Clay-Drawings in volumes, void spaces and surfaces.

Presenting a building as a process rather than an object; a process which continues from the initial conception phase throughout its existence via construction and occupation

Tim Ingold.

Textility of Making, 2020.

Building Materials/Brick Form/Buttressed/Tower/Scaffolding

Corten Metal Box Constructions.

Components brought into a spatial form/navigation/exploration of built spaces.

Building as drawing, showing changes taken, marked, erasures, superimpositions, indexical and scored surfaces.

Materials marked, moved and redeployed elsewhere.

Poche/Pierced Walls/Architectural Details

Lead tray/Water/Ceramic/Wooden Wedges.

Making Template/Drawing/Pierced Components

Hidden Spaces/Enclosed/Confined Volumes/Voids

Experiential/Spatial Alterations to the drawn plan as the building commences. 

St Peter Hungate


A History of the Church.

Geoffrey Goreham, Rachel M. R. Young.


This sketch by John Kirkpatrick, who died in 1728, is the earliest extant picture of the church.

John Bonde also left 6d, to the anchorite of St. Peter Hungate. This  was a man vowed to live a religious life in solitude. An anchorite's cell was often built against the church wall with a connecting window, so that he could hear Mass and yet remain secluded.

The pyx and the metal box or chrismatory (mentioned in 1368) which held the consecrated oils were also locked lest the holy wafer and oils should be stolen and used in witchcraft.

Monochrome by James Sillett, 1828.


Monica Wyatt.

Towards a New Interior.

An Anthology of Interior Design Theory

Lois Weinthal, 2011.

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