Saturday, 24 August 2024

An Ecological Intimacy : Trace Drawing/Preservation and Movements in Media.

Outpost 230824

Life Outside the Circle of Architecture.

A Hut of One's Own.

Ann Cline.

The Importance of The Hut in Contemporary Society.  

For Ann Cline the ostensible subject of this inquiry is the primitive hut, a one room structure built of common or rustic materials. She gracefully weaves together two stories: one of primitive huts in times of cultural transition, and another of diminutive structures in our own times of architectural transition. From these narrative strands emerges a deeper inquiry: What are the limits of architecture? What ghosts inhabit its edges? What does it mean to dwell outside it?

Of Huts.

An ecological intimacy, a return to veering towards both humans and nonhumans.

When we study attunement, we study something that has always been there, ecological intimacy, which is to say intimacy between humans and nonhumans violently repressed with violent result.

Tuning, Timothy Moreton.

The Raveningham Projects.

On the nature of crafting sheltering social spaces.

Site specific experiences on making/building/using.

A primitive attunement/dwelling, a return to the affective power between things.

A creative site specific study on 'dwelling, occupancy, and  hosting' through studying speculative architecture with its boundary conditions and formative structures. 

Simple 'undesigned' places valued for their timelessness and authenticity.


Philosophical love of wisdom rather than the possession of it.

A Philosophy of Solitude.

In Defence of Sensuality.

John Cowper Powys.

The Mythical City of Orion.

Storytelling through ceramics and explorative site markings, this sculptural intervention plays with archaeology, ceramic artefacts, and astronomy.

Sensing Self/Marking Realities.

Trace Drawing/Preservation and Movements in Media.



Being able to work with and appreciate ambiguity.

An aesthetic timbre of the inter connective causal perceptual qualities of things.

You don't know why you should care about this, isn't that what we are all feeling when we experience something beautiful/wonderous.

Care/Love as an ambiguous spectral aesthetic around ethical decisions.

Being/All Art is Ecological, Timothy Morton

The Working Drawing.

Critical Body Contour/Outline.

The Fossil Line.

A primitive gestural drawing underpinning a Palaeolithic idea on an inter-connective, causal perceptual aesthetic force that invokes and engenders a phenomenological and hermeneutic philosophy.

Spectral Aesthetics, OOO. 

A line of energy flowing around the extremity of a formed space.

The reserve of a papers surface retains both its former presence and its continuing absence held captive simultaneously.

The Figurative/Experiential Flatness between seeing and sensing self.

The remembered, reconstituted spatial dimensions rendered attractively into volumetric flatness.  

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