Sunday, 29 October 2017

Research Notes : Matters of The Mind/ Contemporary Art Practices

Information Processing and Performance in Traditional and Virtual Teams
The Role of Transactive Memory. Terri Griffith, Margret A. Neale
Research Paper No. 1643

Transactive Memory : A Contemporary Analysis of the Group Mind. Daniel M. Wegner.

Prehistory/Making of the Human Mind. Colin Renfrew. 2007

The Mind In The Cave. David Lewis-Williams. 2004
The Matter of Mind, Cathedrals of Intelligence/Steven Mithen

The Poetics of Space. Gaston Bachelard. 1958

The Poetics of Reverie, Childhood, Language, and the Cosmos. Gaston Bachelard. 1960

A particular cosmos forms around a particular image as soon as a poet gives the image a destiny of grandeur. The poet gives the real object its imaginary double, its idealized double. This idealized double is immediately idealizing, and it is thus that a universe is born from an expanding image.

O silence round like the earth
movements of the mute star
gravitation of fruit around the clay nucleus
May no one wound the Fruit
it is the past of joy which is becoming round.

Jean Cayrol
Reverie and Cosmos.175

The sun has gone mad and stripped the earth of its ionosphere. For decades blasting radiation has poured upon earth, melting the polar caps and turning permafrost into streams, rivers, oceans. Huge deltas have been built, lakes formed, seas have risen.

The Drowned World, JG Ballard.

Biosphere (Ecology and Entropy) Cyanotype Drawing.

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Sunday, 22 October 2017

Installation : Working Environments

The Drawing Board, at The Granary, Brockwood.

Installation and Working Sites
Architectural Glass and Ceramics
Liquid Light and Pinhole Photography

In the "process" : Working in the Granary.

Russell Moreton
Spatial Practices MA, UCA Canterbury.
Visual artist who currently uses simple descriptive gestures and processes drawn directly from the human body. His practice continues to explore issues around "Spatiality" and the "Postmodern Human Condition". The use of site specificity and materials "at hand" are employed to further underpin the practitioners sense of place, memory and dwelling. His descriptive working narratives are in effect physical working ideas, spatial  entanglements between the relations of  life and art.

Hidden Curriculum #2
Speculative Learning Environment : Russell Moreton.
Re- Imagining Education, Brockwood Park School.

a thousand plateaus
Deleuze, Guattari

Body Without Organs
Smooth Space
War Machine

Camera Obscura : Kilquhanity 2011.

Dark Session's : Shadowy speculations in the pottery. Kilquhanity 2011

Silver gelatin prints from a "room obscura" set up at Kilquhanity, Scotland 2011 as part of "Back to Free school, Drawing out the Archive".

Camera Obscura : Reflections and the dark room.

DSC_2753 Cyanotype Projection for Poetry
Yard and Meter,Winchester.

Angelus Gallery, Winchester College
Russell Moreton : Exhibition and workshop of working practices.
Artist Statement/Chapel Arts Residency

Practitioner using the creative receptiveness of material  together with the inclusion of  drawing to harbour transits and passages of human presence, vulnerabilities centred around the human condition. My work adopts strategies which articulate a sense of absence and anonymity within the abandonment of the work to its location. I feel drawn to this registering of passage, encounter together with its farewell. The choice of materials gathered together implies a personal geography, with both an emotional and aesthetic  sense of locality and place. The  performative recording by physical means which renders itself as a trace of human presence, now becomes a  vacant territory open  for the consideration of others.
 My work continues to investigate this sense of material response with the performative trace of a human absences. The place-ment of these acts attempts to promote thresholds from which to reflect upon spatial, sociological and psychological conditions and perceptions.
Currently working in clay, low fired to produce and promote a fragile vessel. This vessel is  installed to act as a dwelling presence reverberating in a resting place.  from which work is drawn into the human form to register a surface of  absences resulting from past gestures and solitudes.

Russell Moreton a visual artist uses simple gestures of drawn Human traces gathered and presented amongst natural materials. Exploring themes around the Human condition, vulnerability and abandonment. Materials are employed to further underpin our sense of place and time. The act and gesture of drawing adds a ephemeral mark amongst the materiality and locality of place. Currently using clay to register these themes, installing work Augury Vessel 2010 into Chapel Arts as part of their research residency programme.


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