Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Studio Practice : Social Sensing/Innerness

Studio Practice

Theory and Analysis

Craft and Design/Interior Design

Building, Dwelling, Thinking

Scripting Rooms/Spaces and Events

The pot promotes an architecture of the soul, of an intimate yet social interior illuminated through the imagination.
Building human presence, to dwell shaped by 'the vocational' (physical and human topography)
Everyday Aesthetics

The Arts/ : As A Form Of Experimental Psychology
The Play Of Affect/Space and Politics
Apparatuses and Architectures

Rethinking Materiality/At The Potters Wheel
How Things Shape The Mind
Colin Renfrew
Tim Ingold

The Essential Vessel
Natasha Daintry
I think that part of our problem is that it is not easy to talk about sensing, doing and being? They're not concepts as such neat little fixed shiny packages of ideas, but more existential states which shift and move as you inhibit them more amorphous, like clay.

One can speak of this duality of inside and outside but the real experience is more kinetic, more fluid and interchangeable.

Heidegger, Coper, Baldwin, De Waal, Zumthor

The Potter/The Pot
Where Brain, Body and Culture Conflate
Lambros Malafouris

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