Friday, 20 August 2021

Indexical Agents/Diaphanous Shadows/Simulacral Surfaces : Photographic apparatuses of displacement and infinite deferral


Pattern and Chaos/Liminality/Tectonics


Architectural surface for a Library,  raw materials, light, silence and solitude. 


Anachronistic Durations : Recording infinite deferrals, documentations/framings/fictions of presence and absences.  

Postcard/Star Atlas :  Cyanotype (used as index for recorded disc)

Photography by dramatising the contingency of negative and positive states, draws attention to the instability of absence and presence

Cameraless and Photogenic Drawing : Indexical products of events, spatial agency.

Reinvention of the photographic diagram as the spatial record that articulates the continuum of  space and time as an event.

Privileging of the claims (new artistic languages) of the indexical sign (Krauss, uncoded immediacies/terminologies)

Anna Atkins, specimens (photographic subjects) not focused but touched, framed and flattened to create a legibility from their indexical presence.

The simple blueprint is an archaic survivor of a more primitive era (Child Bayley 1906)

Cyanotype, a historical method (1842 Herschel) registering a negative image in which the white lines of the resultant cyanotype print the materiality of the object against the darkened areas of Prussian blue that were exposed to light.


A for Andromeda, BBC4 27.03.06 90 minutes

1973 Romantic Poets

Disc Full 

Material Agency : Carl Knappett, Lambros Malafouris

Visualising Environmental Agency

Pastoral Space: Material, Inquiry and Craft.

"Agents are defined as persons or things, which have the ability and intention to "cause" something "in the vicinity" or "in the mileau" to happen ( Gell 1998)"

"These latter artefacts are described with the term "index", to remove the appellation "art" and to imply that they are indexes of agency."

Some Stimulating Solutions, Andrew Cochrane.

Filament, cyanotype drawing on lightweight paper 2010.

Chapel Arts Studios, Andover.

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