Saturday, 15 May 2021

Working with/into experiential perspectives : CHOREUTICS : Principles of Dynamic Space and Movement

The Curse of the Contemporary
Living in Spatial Times
Doreen Massey, for space

Making sites that matter : choreographing situated knowing in architectural analysis and design. 
Oren Lieberman

Organism, Person, Environment :  Architectural Body
Madeline Gins and Arakawa

Space for Peace, Winchester

Situated Knowledges : Donna Haraway

chaos, territory, art
Deleuze and the framing of the earth
Elizabeth Grosz

The Illuminated Cathedral

Movement, Art, Philosophy
Erin Manning

Prelude : What moves as a body returns as a movement of thought

Something in the world forces us to think. This something is not an object of recognition, but a fundamental encounter.
Gilles Deleuze, Difference and Repetition

Deeper Darkness, Photographic Memory/Process, Metonymy, Negative,
Analogue, Negated Nocturne. Walking, Others, Presence, Becoming,

Temporal Perspectives

Working Notes/Spaces

Space and Place
The Perspective of Experience
Yi-Fu Tuan

Experiential Perspective
Space, Place, and the Child
Body, Personal Relations, and Spatial Values
Spaciousness and Crowding
Spatial Ability, Knowledge, and Place
Architectural Space and Awareness
Time in Experiential Space
Intimate Experiences of Place
Attachment to Homeland
Visibility : the Creation of Place
Time and Place

Doreen Massey

A Relational Politics of The Spatial
Making and Contesting time-spaces

Contemporary artists aim to produce specific relations with the technologies they adopt and adapt;
This schematic offers a partial taxonomy.
Caroline A. Jones, Sensorium : Embodied Experience, Technology and Contemporary Art 2006

the "cave" paradigm, the virtual helmet, the black-box video, the earphone set

taking technology and "making it strange," exaggerating attributes to provoke shock, using technologies to switch senses or induce disorientation

work that repurposes  or remakes devices to enhance their insidious or wondrous properties; available data translated into sensible systems

work that holds on to an earlier technology, repurposes or even fetishizes an abandoned one

work that refuses to use marketed technologies for their stated purpose; work that pushes viewers to reject technologies or subvert them

work that takes up technologies and extends or applies them for creative purposes, producing new subjects for the technologies in question

Transactive Memory
Systems Virtual Teams
The Body
Minds and Metaphors

The Mind In The Cave
David Lewis-Williams

The Matter of The World
Minds and metaphors
Cathedrals of Intelligence
The 'Looking mind'

Information Processing and Performance in Traditional and Virtual Teams
The Role of Transactive Memory
Terri Griffith, Margaret A. Neale

Acquisition/Sharing of Implicit and Explicit Information

Organisations increasingly rely on teams to do much of the work traditionally accomplished by individuals.
Successful groups are those who are able to create synergies in the form of information aggregation and innovation that is beyond the ability of any single member.

Nascent Knowledge
Information Diversity
Task Conflict

The knowledge and perspectives of group members from the same social networks may be more redundant than diversified. However a total diversity among work group members is not desirable; some 'redundancy' (agreement in perspective) among group members is necessary to ensure enough common ground to facilitate successful group interaction.

Transactive Memory : Knowing and Accessing What We Know

For teams to have synergy they must be able to access their information, it is important to know who does what.
Wegner 1987; 1995)

Synchronous/ Asynchronous

Transactive Memory : A Contemporary Analysis of the Group Mind
Daniel M. Wegner

The study of transactive memory is concerned with the prediction of group (and individual) behaviour through an understanding of the manner in which groups process and structure information.

Individual Memory
Information is entered into memory at the encoding  stage, it resides in memory during a storage stage, and is bought back during the retrieval stage.

Organisation : differentiated/ integrated

Dick McCaw

Rudolf Laban (1879-1958) was a pioneer in dance and movement, who found a extraordinary range of application for his ideas; from industry to drama, education to therapy. Laban believed that you can understand about human beings by observing how they move, and devised two complimentary methods of notating the shape and quality of movements.

Diagram : Three Planes of Movement from Choreography
Inner and Outer Tension : Inner and Outer Form

CHOREUTICS : Principles of Dynamic Space and Movement

Choreutics presents the grammar and syntax of spatial form in movement and the nature of movement's harmonic content.

Exertion of Power, Physical or/and Mental



SPACE Flexible/Direct
WEIGHT Light/Strong
TIME Sustained/Quick
FLOW Free/Bound

Shadow Moves
An acute observer of Shadow Movement of a person in different situations and at different times will show the consistency of that individual's basic attitude and personality.

Effort and Recovery

Movement Psychology

Christoper Tilley, Kate Cameron-Daum

From our perspective in this book representations of landscape, textual or pictorial, are of secondary significance and we should treat them as such; they are selective and partial, and often highly ideological, ways of seeing and knowing.
It forms a material medium in which we dwell and move and think.
Redirecting the study of landscape from representation to the materially grounded messiness of everyday life and the minutiae of material practices that constitute it.
Landscapes are contested, untidy and messy, tensioned, always in the making. Our landscapes of modernity are frequently on the move and peopled by diasporas and migrants of identity, people making homes in new places.

Field Observations
Spatial relations within the landscape are complex.
The manner in which persons and their bodies cannot be understood apart from the landscapes of which they are a part, reciprocally involved in forms of movement, action, awareness and social memory.
Embodied Identities
Art in and from the landscape
Fragile Environments : Nature and Culture

On Ways of Walking and Making Art
A personal reflection
M Collier
Making art is a practical application of phenomenology
Engaging  with an embodied experience of space and depth (what Merleau-Ponty called the 'flesh of the world').

Journeys Around An Exhibition
Landscape and Memory

Essays and Illuminations
Edited by Jon Cook

The Forum, Norwich : Research Outposts
Alternative Photography

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