Friday, 2 September 2022

Some approaches and interpretations of phenomenology in architecture.

 Outpost 020922

Perceptual Experience.

On The Nature of Things.

The notion of specific agential intra-actions in architectural practice.

Thingification, the turning of relations into things,  entities, relata, all infects much of the way we understand the world and our relationship to it.

Karen Barad sees reality composed of intra-acting elements which together make up a phenomena.

Making Use of Useful Correlations/Meaningful Information.

The actor of this process is not a subject distinct from phenomenal reality outside it, nor any transcendent point of view, rather it is a portion of that reality itself.

Our discourse on reality is itself part of that reality.

The radical questioning of our mental maps of reality.

Lines of thought that take inspiration from, or rooted in quantum physics.

Karen Barad's utilization of the ideas of Niels Bohr.

Physics seemed to me the place where the weave between the structure of reality and the structure of thought was closest, the place where this intertwinement was subject to the incandescent test of continuous evolution.


Carlo Rovelli.

In Phenomenology of Perception, Merleau-Ponty explores being as it resides in the perceptual situatedness of the body-subject into the world.

When the body-subject gains access into the world through perception, the world becomes what we perceive.

Perception is considered as the fundamental act that enables human beings to inhabit space and time.

Reality is not composed of things in themselves or things behind phenomena, 

but things in phenomena. 

For Steven Holl, the intertwining of idea and phenomena occurs with the realization of a building as the means for materialization of the idea-force.

For Merleau-Ponty idea is the invisible of this world which inhabits this world, sustains it and renders it visible.

Holl is interested in the phenomenal nature of the idea, in his search for connecting the phenomenal properties with conceptual strategy.

According to Bohr, the primary epistemological unit is not independent objects with inherent boundaries and properties but rather phenomena.

Phenomena are the ontological inseparability of agentially intra-acting components.

Phenomena are produced through agential intra-actions of multiple apparatuses of bodily production.

Things in phenomena/agential intra action

Steven Holl points out a path of passage in architecture that leads from the abstract to the concrete, the unformed to the formed. In this architectural journey the idea-force, phenomenal properties and the site-force interact with each other. This interaction begins with the formation of an abstract idea, the formation of a concept out of this idea and its transformation into a material, a spatial and formal reality on a physical site.

The Visible and The Invisible.

Phenomenology of Perception.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

Posthumanist Performativity.

Towards an understanding of how matter comes to matter.

Karen Barad.

A Living Room For The City : V&A Dundee.

Kengo Kuma, Maurizio Mucciola.


Some approaches and interpretations of phenomenology in architecture.

Steven Holl.

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