Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Terminus/Fields/Landscapes of Inquiry : A Spatial Practice/Between the Silence

Outpost 010223

Harleston 010723


Taking form always begins with the terminus. 

The terminus is not an end point, but the energy of a beginning. 

The terminus kick-starts the process of articulation. 

There is no causal finitude here: 

We never know what becomes of a beginning.

The terminus is a force of thought towards articulation.

Erin Manning.

The Apparent Chaos of Stone (8.36)

Moonchild (5.40)

Travis and Fripp

Between the Silence.

Theo Travis : Alto Flute/Soprano Sax.

Robert Fripp : Guitar/Soundscapes

A Spatial Practice.

Bring things to life, creative entanglements in a world of materials.


Creative practice is a meshwork of what shall I do next?

Tim Ingold.

Things in general, like the mind-leak.

Iteration, following the forces/flows.



Improvisation is to join with the work or to meld with it, one ventures from home on the thread of a tune.

Lines of Flight

Lines of Becoming

Critically these lines do not connect.

A line of becoming is not defined by the points it connects, or by the points that compose it.

On the contrary it passes between points, it comes up through the middle.

A becoming is neither one nor two, nor the relation of the two.

It is the in-between, the line of flight running perpendicular to both.

Deleuze and Guattari.

Brockwood Teaching Academy. 

Back To Free School, Kilquhanity.

Curriculum Making, education for improved human-environment relations.

For to live we must dwell in the world, and to dwell we must already relate to its constituents.

Meaning inheres in these relationships.

Raveningham Sculptural Array

Solargraphy/Land Markings.

Performative Intraventions



Site-specific research and artworks.

Water : A Phenomenal Lens

Steven Holl.

We start from the fluid character of the life process, wherein boundaries are sustained only thanks to the flow of materials across them.

Life is all about relations that hold a being in place, an erotic ecology of matter and desire.

Outpost Gallery

Mentorship Programme.

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