Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Spatial Practices : Thinking Matter : Between Human/Spatial Relations

Outpost 261124

An Affective Intensity.

The juxtaposing volatility of abjecting spatial and human bodies.

Spatial Agency/Assemblages in constant relational movement.


Expulsions from/for relational bodies.

A Provisional/Speculative Framework.

Tuschimi's Equation : A framework that sets out a logical outcome, but where the insertion of event introduces a deviation, a slippage from the planned/programmed outcome. Such that the 'architecture' is indeterminate.


Creating Disjunction, superimposing assemblages of event/space/movement over(entangling) one another.

A Becoming Architecture.

To provoke potentials to occur.

Contracts (Architectural Transcripts), scripting spatial relations that utilise fictional scenarios in real spaces, are used as a way of working with temporal events.

Here architecture is pushed towards and over its limits to the point where it is no longer 'architecture' as we know it. But rather an architecture, an anticipation of an architecture (social construct) to come.

Immediate Architectural Intraventions.

Spatial Practice.

Thinking Matter : Between Human/Spatial Relations

WSA 2007-Outpost 2024

Real Space + Fictional 'Event'

The architectural origin of each 'episode' is found within a specific reality, and not in an abstract geometrical figure.


Minoritarian Architecture/Deleuze.

They produce a type of labyrinth, with a momentary impossibility of escape.

They are architectures in a constant state of change, perpetually agitating the discipline's established norms.

Abject (ion) facilitates an affective intensity.

Art works (workings) made from an expelling human body in relations with spatial bodies.

Waiting Rooms

Soul Cages.

Black Books


Ceramic/Architectural Propositions

Zuzana Kovar.

Abject(ion) is a discussion of bodies of assemblages.

Abject events render a particular indeterminacy. There is an aim here through abject(ion) to re-purpose architectural methodologies in order to contemplate abject(ion) and specifically contemplate its dilution of boundaries between bodies. It is critical to reiterate that abject(ion) through its volatile and leaky nature inevitably comes to encompass more than one body.  

Material Markings/Inhabitation.

Life Drawings/Frottage/Graphite/Charcoal/Concrete.

Winchester Weeke Centre 2006.

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