Thursday, 26 April 2012

Russellmoreton's Blog

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Process : on reflection. | Russellmoreton's Blog

Studio space at the “Yard” Winchester.

This working space hosts various activities and interests. Framed collages originated from on-site speculations now merge with the marks of clay. Whilst  sealed, glazed and pierced drawings simultaneously reflect on a “liminal” architectural presence under construction by the imagination.  Image

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Site specific drawing component : Trace, duration and evidence.

Impressions from the working studio floor.

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Monday, 23 April 2012

Drawing board with collage and plumb line.

plumb line - definition of plumb line by the Free Online Dictionary ... A line from which a weight is suspended to determine verticality or depth. 2. A line regarded as directed exactly toward the earth's center of gravity.

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Thursday, 19 April 2012

Shadow Catchers: Camera-less Photography. Pierre Cordier / Photography / People / V&A Channel

Shadow Catchers: Camera-less Photography. Pierre Cordier / Photography / People / V&A Channel
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Floris Neusüss

IThe exhibition Shadow Catchers: Camera-less Photography (13 October 2010 – 20 February 2011) featured five international artists who challenge the assumption that a camera is necessary to make a photograph. The V&A commissioned five short films on each of the artists, showing their studios and places that inspire them. This is a revealing and evocative look at their working environments and an insight into their creative ideas.

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Shadow Catchers: Camera-less Photography. Floris Neususs / Photography / People / V&A Channel

Shadow Catchers: Camera-less Photography. Floris Neususs / Photography / People / V&A Channel
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Tracing Light #2

Tracing Light #2 by Russell Moreton
Tracing Light #2, a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

The temporal,blueprinted through photographic "capture" : Space/Time rendered into the surface of the visual.

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The Art Institute of Chicago: Exhibitions:


Jindrich Heisler (1914-1953)
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Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Christ Of Light Cathedral Floor Plan | Architecture Buildings

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Gridshell House : Gertjan Rohaan

Gridshell House

Gridshell House is a small design experiment. The brief consisted of a small holiday house which was to be made entirely of multiplex. By using a gridshell construction, roof and wall are merged into one efficient construction.

View pdf* : Gridshell House

*in dutch

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Sunday, 15 April 2012

Russell Moreton


Architectural Projection with Lighting "Seeding the Universe"
Russell Moreton generative on-site speculative art practices.

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BBC Four - Colouring Light: Brian Clarke - An Artist Apart

Episode image for Colouring Light: Brian Clarke - An Artist Apart

Duration: 1 hour

Brian Clarke is one of Britain's hidden treasures. A painter of striking large canvases and the designer of some of the most exciting stained glass in the world today, he is better known abroad - especially in Germany and Switzerland - than in his own country, and more widely recognised among critics, collectors and... > Show more

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“We live our lives sunk in vast forgetting.” Milan Kundera, IGNORANCE. | Russellmoreton's Blog

Film Poetry :  Surface of terrestrial activity.

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Markings over layered drawings #1

Drawing : Intersections within a working process.

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