Monday, 24 March 2014

Pastoral Space: Material, Inquiry and Craft.#5

Material Agency : Carl Knappett, Lambros Malafouris
Visualising Environmental Agency

"Agents are defined as persons or things, which have the ability and intention to "cause" something "in the vicinity" or "in the mileau" to happen ( Gell 1998)"
"These latter artefacts are described with the term "index", to remove the appellation "art" and to imply that they are indexes of agency."
Some Stimulating Solutions, Andrew Cochrane.

Template and Form 2010.The Yard,Winchester.

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Drawing,Footprint and Pavilion. #8

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Blue-print and collage.

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Friday, 21 March 2014

Collage, Diversions, Contradictions and anomalies

Collage : Assembling Contemporary Art.
Collage, Diversions, Contradictions and anomalies, Sally O'Riley
Black Dog Publishing.

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Objects and Traces : Visual Archaeology

Collage : Assembling Contemporary Art.
Collage, Diversions, Contradictions and anomalies, Sally O'Riley
Black Dog Publishing.

Objects and Traces : Visual Archaeology by Russell Moreton
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Maps and Masks : Overhead Projection

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In the "process" : Working in the Granary.

Russell Moreton
Spatial Practices MA, UCA Canterbury.
Visual artist who currently uses simple descriptive gestures and processes drawn directly from the human body. His practice continues to explore issues around "Spatiality" and the "Postmodern Human Condition". The use of site specificity and materials "at hand" are employed to further underpin the practitioners sense of place, memory and dwelling. His descriptive working narratives are in effect physical working ideas, spatial entanglements between the relations of life and art.

Installation and Working Sites
Architectural Glass and Ceramics
Liquid Light and Pinhole Photography

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Friday, 28 February 2014

Working Visuals #9

Working Visuals #9 by Russell Moreton
Working Visuals #9, a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

Photographic Drawing : Anglo-Saxon grave outline with clay vessels.

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Working Visuals #10

Working Visuals #10 by Russell Moreton
Working Visuals #10, a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

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Spatial Intelligence
New Futures for Architecture
Leon van Schaik

Archaeological Site, Morn Hill, Winchester.

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Drawing Scripts : Light Sensitive Spaces. #1

Working Notes/Scripted Drawing

Contents/Space Page

"Boundaries and junctions points are in the nature of things points of friction"
Lefebvre, The Production of Space.

The act of "blocking in" the dimensions of another space within the continuum of another can propose to create a temporal junction between a host space and a new site within this host, a guest. This activity also has associations with nomadic and agricultural-pastoral societies as they use paths and routes as spatio-temporal markers or determinants.
R Moreton, Working Notes, Spatial Practices, Canterbury

Drawing with Layered Architectural Drawings


Arte Povera
Social Space

"Translates the painterly relationship of figure and ground into the space of real situations"
The Visual Poetics of Jannis Kounellis, Suzanne Cotter and Andrew Nairne.
Modern Art Oxford, 2004-2005.

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Saturday, 8 February 2014

Working Visuals #3

Working Visuals #3 by Russell Moreton
Working Visuals #3, a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

vrhythmanalysis : Space, Time and Everyday Life.

Jannis Kounellis
Carlo Scarpa

"Translates the painterly relationship of figure and ground into the space of real situations"
The Visual Poetics of Jannis Kounellis, Suzanne Cotter and Andrew Nairne.
Modern Art Oxford, 2004-2005.

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Entanglements ~1/4

Entanglements ~1/4 by Russell Moreton
Entanglements ~1/4, a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.

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Friday, 7 February 2014

Blue Process : Alternative Spatial Relations #6

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Leylines : Cyanotypes from Tidbury Ring (Front dust jacket)

Artist’s Book: white and coloured pages, card covers with cyanotype of Winchester Cathedral.

A hand bound book comprising of five signatures each with four folios. This book contains a collection of postcards made from contact prints and photograms from Tidbury Ring using the cyanotype process. Other pages contain some cyanotype paintings/abstracts around the theme of dwelling and hut. Silver gelatine images of St Catherine’s Hill are present as are some experimental pinhole photography.

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Monday, 3 February 2014

Core, Periphery and Semiperiphery : Spatial Drawings #3

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The Laboratory , Canterbury 2009

Tim Ingold
Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture.

Practical Geometry
The Architect and The Carpenter
The Cathedral and The Laboratory
Templates and Geometry
The Return to Alchemy

Cyanotype image from pinhole camera with sound intervention/device within the apparatus of the camera, performative material gathered from the Canterbury School of Architecture.

UCA Spatial Practices MA under Oren Lieberman.

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Social Space : The Surveyor

The tale is the map which is the territory
Spatiality : Robert T. Tally Jr.

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Found flint object : Spatial Drawing

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Space and Form #1 Drawing.

Space Drawing, derived from a ceramic form fired on the beach at St Ninian's Cave, Scotland 2012.

Cyanotype with pencil on pierced paper with pins, boxed mounted.

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Space and Form #1 Blue.

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Space Drawing, derived from a ceramic form fired on the beach at St Ninian's Cave, Scotland 2012.

Cyanotype with pencil on pierced paper with pins, boxed mounted.

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Sunday, 2 February 2014

Social Space : Production and Practice #1

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Camera Obscura : Kilquhanity 2011. #4

Dark Session's : Shadowy speculations in the pottery. Kilquhanity 2011

Silver gelatin prints from a "room obscura" set up at Kilquhanity, Scotland 2011 as part of "Back to Free school, Drawing out the Archive".

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Leylines Installation : Mapping Tool #4

“Leylines” has been appropriated and employed as both a practical and as a conceptual strategy to inquiry into places and localities. Site visits and sensitive dialogues with the other artists at a number of locations have further brought materials and processes into the creative realm. The spatial practice of setting-up this work has also produced insightful local knowledge from those dwelling nearby.

Beams and Netting: Negotiations in the chamber.

Clay, Hessian, drawings and transparencies from architectural openings, drawing frame, antique glass, lead and nylon lines.

This intervention into a listed building has become a temporary refuge for a work in progress. The work attempts to show a creative agency as it encounters a host of installed hierarchies and conditions. The architectural motif on the drawings has been derived directly from the open apertures of the chamber, and these drawings also reference the supportive ironwork (Ferramenta) which has been playfully re-registered as a graphic leyline . A drawing frame similar to that used in archaeology for drawing has been adapted to illustrate the relative positions of the leyline as registered by the ordnance survey grid, both terminuses being labelled on the frames periphery.

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Anthropomorphic Vessels : Correspondence.

Cyanotype Drawing/Digital Imaging

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Drawing Scripts : Light Sensitive Spaces. #6

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Drawing Scripts : Light Sensitive Spaces. #3

Gridshell Interior : Singleton Open Air Museum.

Photographic Diagram : The Setting out of Borrowstone Rig (fragment)
Time Stands Still, Keith Critchlow

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