Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Working Collage : Marking the Line/Art, Architecture and Craft Narratives.

Architecture, Nature and Subjectivity.

Atmospheric ecologies/architecting through situated learning. 

Is there still an aesthetic illusion? And if not, a path to an “aesthetic” illusion, the radical illusion of secret, seduction and magic? Is there still, on the edges of hypervisibility, of virtuality, room for an image?
— Jean Baudrillard, The Conspiracy of Art, 2005

Jana Sterbak
Remote Control 1989

A heuristic technique (/hjᵿˈrɪstᵻk/; Ancient Greek: εὑρίσκω, "find" or "discover"), often called simply a heuristic, is any approach to problem solving, learning, or discovery that employs a practical method not guaranteed to be optimal or perfect, but sufficient for the immediate goals.

A Hut of One's Own, Ann Cline

Texts,Annotations, Foundations, Pathways, Corridors, Bookmarks, Walking, Thinking, Ramble, Cross Country, Disciplines, 

Ecosophy : Social ecology, mental ecology, environmental ecology.

"Concerning the continuous development of its practice as much as its theoretical scaffolding."

The Three Ecologies, Guattari

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