Monday, 14 June 2021

Working Drawings : Spatial Agency/refigurations on the everyday possibilities between movements and social space

The Making/Production of Space

We All Make Space/The Social Production of Possibility

Space and the Social becomes Spatial Agency (a continuity of action and occupation)

Life Drawings : The nature of minor everyday movements/narratives. Becoming responsive and flexible with materials to the dynamics of social structures/contexts. Drawings become reshaped as they are enacted through their working conditions and beyond (a here and an elsewhere, John Berger)

Drawing into the everyday, calling upon an anthropology of the here and now, so as to reveal the spatial and temporal inscriptions of present-day social practices. Marc Auge, Non-Spaces. 

Agency means being able to intervene in the world or to refrain from such intervention with the effect of influencing a specific process or state of affairs. Anthony Giddens/Jeremy Till.

The defining point of agency is namely its potential to transform the given.

 ‘Everyday life is lived in the medium of cultural form. Its phenomenological immediacy is the sedimented result of myriad repetitive practices, yet it is constantly open to the randomness of the chance occurrence, the unexpected encounter, the surprising event, as well as to the refiguration of its meanings by more explicit forms of social intervention.’ The everyday thus acknowledges the historical constitution of the now, but also its very incompleteness demands an active (political) response to what could happen, to the ‘social production of possibility’. It is through such temporalisation that one escapes a myopic entrapment in the present and moves into viewing the everyday as a site for transformative practice. 

Peter Osborne, The Politics of Time. Jeremy Till, Architecture in Space,Time.

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