Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Slow Philosophy/Discursive Attachments : Gathering Inquiry/Materials/Objects/Things

Slow Philosophy/Discursive Attachments : Gathering Materials/Objects/Things

Research as a discursive activity gathering new forms of expression.

Duration, Steven Holl

Time is only understood in relation to a process or a phenomenon.

The duration of human beings alive in one time and place is a relational notion.

The time of one's being is provisional; it is a circumstance with an adopted aim for the time being.

SPACE-and ARCHITECTURE-exceeds the provisional

The Enchantment of Modern Life.

Attachments, Crossing and Ethics

The performativity of social representations

When I gather together the animals, arguments, molecules, suggestions, forces, interpretations, sounds, people, and images of this study, one theme emerges. The modern story of disenchantment leaves out important things, and it neglects crucial sources of ethical generosity in doing so. Without modes of enchantment, we might not have the energy and inspiration to enact ecological projects, or to contest ugly and unjust modes of commercialization, or to respond generously to humans and nonhumans that challenge our settled identities. These enchantments are already in and around us.

Jane Bennett

Be not inhospitable to strangers

lest they be angels in disguise

Jackie Leven, The Dent In The Fender And The Wheel Of Fate

David Childers, Heart In My Soul

Collage Works : Architectural Studies. Outpost Studios, Norwich.

Studio Works : Praxis between theory and practice. Outpost 2020.

Outpost Studios Norwich, collage, textual, intermedia, 

spatial practice, resource, project space, art practice, research, book works

Architectural Inquiry : Metaphysical Surfaces

Blue Spaces Of Everyday Enchantments : White Absences #2. Silence/Void : Gap/Reveal

Slow Philosophy : Materials/Objects/Things

Few boundaries are impenetrable

They are rather, semi-permeable membranes providing housing while allowing selective commerce

In a world of materials, nothing is ever finished : 'everything may be something, but being something is always on the way to becoming something else'

Tim Ingold 2011

Materials, Tim Ingold, slow philosophy, studio works, textile, clay, painting, yellow ochre

New works around fired clay, painting, wrapping forms, metal, textiles and stones.

Architectural research for a library within a studio.

clay, textile, wrapping, painting, natural objects, 

photographic surface, asperity, poetics of process, studio

Palimpsest/Surface Sprays : Spaces Between Objects

Site based inquiry for sculpture trail at Raveningham

collage, research, spatiality, art practice, alternative photography, 

drawing, architectural, intervention, visual fine art, craft

studio, metaphysical space, collage, Palimpsest, Cristina Iglesias, Steven Holl, Jackie Leven, Tim Ingold, Julian Stair, drawing, sprays, Jane Bennett, Russell Moreton, Lucio Fontana,

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