Thursday, 5 December 2024

Human Bodies/Spatial Bodies : Theoretical Spaces between Objects.

Childhood a density of life not yet sensing the weight of living.

Expanding the space of the forgetting which is infinitely more creative/active than the space of what you remember.

Events manifested through drawing, navigate spaces and their relations between/amongst/entangled by human bodies and spatial bodies.

Outpost 031224

longing to see a woman's face/the words that maketh murder

PJ Harvey, let England shake. 2010

Helena Eflerova,

Wolvesey Castle. 2007

Site Space-Movement/Earthing The Body.

100 Childhood Voyages of Play : The Boat.

The work doesn't fail, it just looses clarity, it retreats.

On Ceramic Spaces/Silences.

Creating and then investigating a silence in its surroundings. A silence that participates in the perception of things it attends/surrounds and resonances with.


Missing and Abandoned Contexts.

Visual Fine Art 2004-2008.

Winchester School of Art.

On developing subjectivities through contemporary art practices and research strategies. 

Philosophical theory/The Poetics of Space (Bachelard) documented alongside visual material/objects/images/installations.

Relationscapes: Human Body/Spatial Body.

Workings On Affective Potential.

Glenn Ligon: All Over The Place

The Fitzwilliam Museum.

On The Temporality Of Events.

Zuzana Kovar.

That they happen, that they occur, but they do not exist. They are virtual and always in process.

We cannot say that they exist but rather that they 'subsist' or 'inhere' ( having this minimum of being which is appropriate to that which is not a thing, a non-existing entity). They are not substantives or adjectives, but verbs. They are neither agents or patients, but results of actions and passions. They are impassive entities, impassive results. They are not living presents, but infinitives, the unlimited Aion, the becoming which divides itself infinitely in past and future, and always eludes the present.


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