Sunday, 25 June 2023

Assemblages/Architectural Prototyping : Formative Ideas.

 Outpost 220922

Architectural Prototyping.

Formative Ideas.

Setting things adrift in the direction of other assemblages.

The Refrain. 

Deleuze and Guattari.

Enchantment entails a state of wonder, and one of the distinctions of this state is the temporary suspension of chronological time and bodily movement. To be enchanted, then is to participate in a momentarily immobilizing encounter; it is to be transfixed, spellbound, a moment of pure presence.

The Wonder of Minor Experiences.

Jane Bennett.

Enchantment requires active engagement with objects of sensuous experience, it is a state of interactive fascination.

Capacitive Environments, a building that seeks to both communicate with its users and provide a spectacle for onlookers.

The moment of pure presence within wonder lies in the object's difference and uniqueness being so striking to the mind that it does not remind us of anything and we find ourselves delaying in its presence for a time in which the mind does not move on by association to something else.

Philip Fisher.

Constructional mock-ups used to determine the optimal installation of the ETFE cushions both to the substructure and between adjacent frames.

Asif Khan. Beatbox Pavilion, London 2012 Summer Olympics.

The Blueprint : Map 2, creative designations. 

Mapping hidden spaces between precision and indeterminacy.

Spatial Agency/Issues of Relational Spaces.

Collage/Cognitive Mappings.

Discursive spaces between agencies/representations.

The Stride of The Mind, Patti Smith.

Formal qualities/events between materials

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