Stuart Walton. 2004
Oxford Dictionary of Geography: spatiality
The effect that space has on actions, interactions, entities, concepts, and theories. Physical spatiality can also be metaphorical. It is used to show social power—thrones are higher than the seats of commoners, and ‘high tables’ for university teachers in most Oxbridge colleges physically elevate the teachers over the taught. People use proximity to show how intimate they want to be with others (See personal space), or orientation; we may face someone or turn away from them. Institutions and governments have used large architectural spaces to invoke awe, while restaurateurs may create ‘cosiness’ in small spaces.
LIFE DRAWING : Phenomenological Reductions
The body is not an object, but the condition and context through which I am able to have relations with others. Merleau-Ponty
A study of one body in front of another body.
Our body is our connection with the world and all its phenomena, it is fundamental in our communication and interactions.
The body is a force of creative action and a site of resistance.
An exploration in various forms of physical dialogue between performing bodies.Energetic flows from others, what energy and phenomena will these relationships bring about on these bodies and the space they inhabit.
Personal and public boundaries of others, a being towards things through the intermediality of the body.
For Deleuze and Gauttari the body is rhizomatic (containing multiplicities, intensities and flows) and in active connection and interaction with its becomings, surroundings and situatedness.
What a body can do, what a body is capable of
The body without organs (BwO) is an attempt by Deleuze and Gauttari to denaturalize 'human bodies' and place the body in direct relation and connection to flows and particles of other bodies and things, creating constellations from its modes of organization of disparate substances.
"Spatial turn" The increased attention to matters of space, place and mapping in literary and cultural studies, as well as in social theory, philosophy, and other disciplinary fields.
Spatiality, Robert T. Tally Jr. Routledge 2013.
The origin of "True Humanity" : Tim Ingold
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