What shall I do next?
Tim Ingold
Re-registering Overlapping Spaces
Spatial Practices.
UCA Canterbury.
A diffractive methodology is a knowledge-making process.
How things work in art museums.
Creative processes of presentation, a spatiality for narratives that can navigate the spaces between objects
What shall I do next?
Tim Ingold
Reading Matter/Rooms.
The Lake of The Mind.
Stochastic Thinking.
Steven Holl.
Raveningham : Site-specific project place
The Garden of Ongoing Differences.
Public intimacies, personal dialogues in social spaces.
'Blocking In' of a private studio space of creative inquiry into the public realm as a permeable intervention.
Curriculum Making.
The Enactment of Dwelling in Places.
An Ontology of Dwelling.
The dwelling ontology we want to describe rejects any possibility of living in the world through mental schemas of the world, and insists that the material-relational world is the only world in which we live, the only source of our capacities to communicate and learn, the only world in which our activities take effect, and the only world in which meaning inheres.
Greg Mannion, Hamish Ross.
Tim Ingold is an anthropologist who has looked at the interface between people and the environment. In The Perception of the Environment, he argues that ecological psychology and the philosophical writings of Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty share the view that the world becomes meaningful through active inhabitation, or 'dwelling', rather than cognitive representation.
Exploratory Ceramic/Spatial Practice
Slab Built Ceramics.
Ferini Gallery 2023.
' Splitting ' constructions after Gordon Matta-Clarke.
Terracotta and Oxides/Glaze.
Vessels for relationships between movements.
Spatial Agency/Enactments of Organism-Person-Environment.
Gins and Arakawa.
Physical Models
Speculative Drawings/Diagrams/Maps and Charts are all a symbolic depiction emphasizing mapping relationships.
Coloured and Filtered Light.
Architectural Glazes/Surfaces/Textures.
Materials/Substances/Natural Qualities.
Painting and Drawing Substances/Chemicals/Raw Materials.
Dialogues between the body/material and process.
Vessels for materiality.
Edges/Forms of Human Mortality.
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