Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Diffractive Title/Things : The thing contained is not the thing contained.

 Outpost 240423

The thing contained is not the thing contained.

Manifesto for explorations of 'IN'

Steven Holl.

You Are The Weather.

Roni Horn.

Rich Lyrical Motifs.

Brilliant Trees.

Within each lesson lies the price to learn.

David Sylvian. 

Alternative Photography/Filtered Radiance

Documents from research archive

Seeing Dark Things

Roy Sorensen. 2008

Tracing Light : Petworth House, West Sussex 2000

David Alan Mellor, Garry Fabian Miller.

Light And The Genius Loci

For Derrida, the sun not only marks the beginning of metaphoricity but it is also an inescapable reminder of the solar system and oscillations, hidings and occultrations, inherent in 'a certain history of the relationships; earth/sun inthe system of perception'.

Mutations Of Light

Petworth Window, 6 July 1999

Light's Windows And Rooms

Passing towards the Invisible.

The prospect of some metaphysical realm beyond the blue end of the spectrum and beyond material things illuminated to carnal sight, was a recurrent  theme in William Henry Fox Talbot's early speculations.


The entangled history of light and mind

Arthur Zajonc



Sight Unseen

Picturing The Universe

Corey Keller

Invisible objects, penciled by nature's own hand.

In his introduction to the exhibition catalogue Iconoclash: Beyond the Image Wars in Science, Religion, and Art, the historian of science Bruno Latour argues that scientific pictures are powerfully affective because they more than mere images; they are, as he puts it, the 'world itself'.

The Social

Photographic Eye

Jennifer Tucker

Nineteenth century science was characterized by both the appeal to visual evidence and the need for confirmation by the testimony of eyewitnesses. The latter explains why scientists pursued public viewings of their photographs by means of illustrated slide lectures, exhibitions, and reproduction in newspapers and magazines.

An understanding of the social boundaries of nineteenth century science helps make sense of a certain paradox within contemporary attitudes towards photography of the invisible. The ideal of mechanical objectivity in documenting visual knowledge demanded the elimination of the artist-observer and all of the subjectivity implicit in drawing by hand. 

Invisible Worlds

Visible Media

Tom Gunning

William Henry Fox Talbot, Slice of horse chestnut, seen through the solar microscope, 1840, salt print 18.6x22.5 cm.

Techniques Of The Observer

On Vision And Modernity In The Nineteenth Century

Jonathan Crary

The Camera Obscura and its Subject

Above all it indicates the appearance of a new model of subjectivity, the hegemony of a new subject-effect. First of all the camera obscura performs an operation of individuation; that is, it necessarily defines an observer as isolated, enclosed, and autonomous within its dark confines. It impels a kind of askesis, or withdrawal from the world, in order to regulate and purify one's relation to the manifold contents of the now 'exterior' world. 


By The Light Of The Fertile Observer

Metaphors of illumination in the photography of Christopher Bucklow, Susan Derges, Garry Fabian Miller, and Adam Fuss.

An Epiphany Of Light

David Alan Mellor

Christopher Bucklow , Guests

Jeanette Winterson, Gut Symmetries

Matter is provisional and that includes me. If the physics is correct then we are neither alive or dead as we commonly understand it, but in different states of potentiality.

Finding enlightenment in the ground beneath one's feet.

J. G. Bennett.

Walking/Thinking with Ideas/Observations.

Site Drawings and Observational Mappings.

Cultivation Field.

Artist's Development.

Planting Research

Vital Nourishment.

Raveningham Garden Project.

Circle/Linear Time/Centred on objects.

Spiral/Deep Time/Awareness between things.

Architectural Ceramics.


Working Ideas/Proposals into Matter/Making



Spatial Practice.




Julian 600.



Anglian Potters

5 Years of membership/exhibition/making.

Commissioning of 12 cu ft Gas Kiln.

Kiln Craft Glass Kiln.

Momentum Wheel, refurbish/rebuild.

Drawing Confrontations of Flesh and Bone.

From Models to Drawings.

Figuring It Out.

Anatomy/Art/Photography : Living/Deceased/Represented.

The Body on Display.

From Naked to Nude.

The Impossible Nude.

The Psychology of Nakedness.

Confronting the human form both practically and theoretically.

Vital Nourishment.

Aesthetics in Western Art and Chinese Culture.

Georg Eisler.

Francois Jullien.

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