Thursday, 13 June 2024

Sensing Spaces/Creative Imagining : Making through emergent/speculative practices

Outpost 070624

Vitamin D

New Perspectives in Drawing.

The Spell Of The Sensuous

David Abram.

Outpost 130624

Clay Nests/Alloplastic/Malleable/Reciprocal.


Spatial Boundaries : Cell/Court/Domain

To experience the poetics of a space through the 'poetic image' that is itself about the function of inhabiting.


Interior Design Theory Reader. 2006

Developing architectural practice through a phenomenologically rich creative discourse, that lies in their capacity to create 'images' rather than in their 'prudence' as actualisable architectural works.

Notes on Digital Nesting : A Poetics of Evolutionary Form.

Mark Goulthorpe.

Drawing on/Dwelling in the poetics of 'nesting'

Bachelard's chapter on Nests seems to articulate forms that were predigitally imaginary but which now merit consideration in their actuality by architects. He muses on the nest as an intricate imprint of the inhabiting body, adjusted continually as a soft cocoon that outlines the aura of movement of the bird's rounded breast. This raises the spectre of an environment adapting to our bodies and continually recalibrating to suit the vulnerability of our relation to the environment. 

For Bachelard, the mesmeric geometries of shells, their outer appearance, actually defeat the imagination: the created object itself is highly intelligible; it is the formation, not the form, that remains mysterious. The essential force of a shell being that it is exuded from within, the secretion of an organism; it is not fabricated from without as an idealised form. The shell is left in the air blindly as a trace of a convulsive absence, the smooth and lustrous internal carapace then exfoliating in its depth of exposure to the air, a temporal crustation.

Goulthorpe shares Bachelard's concern to interrogate the very manner of creative imagining, and is eager to implicate the felicity of Bachelard's thought into an emergent digital praxis. 

It is the processual capacity of a digital medium that is its most compelling attribute.

The poetic reverie of form generated by inner logic, by generating 'images' from internal and poetic imagination rather than through fabrication of an idealised external form. The implication for the interior when considered as an 'implosion,' a force of egress trapped in form, is a malleable relationship between self and environment in which 'forms of absence' indicate the function of inhabitation. Critically, Goulthorpe projects a dream of imagination enhanced and actualised by digital generation that uncovers the need to address an 'image' adequate for inhabitation of a displaced spatial sense.

An Evolutionary Architecture.

John Frazer. 1995



Clay as a material of creative 'implosions,' matter that gathers up, and becomes a force of egress that is made malleable/reciprocal into ceramic forms. 

Sensing Spaces.

The Life Class.

Drawing : Lines of Seeing/Lines of Looking

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