Sunday, 30 June 2024

Aesthetics of the Everyday : A Creative Human Praxis

Working Praxis into Creative Research
Clay, Paint, Matter/Everyday Landscapes

The Subject Matter of Lived Experience

The Potter's wheel creates cognitive enactments (materiality) through encountering clay.

The Heideggerian Roots of Everyday Aesthetics
A Hermeneutical Approach to Art
Cristian Hainic

The mere aesthetic experience of understanding one's being-in-the-world as made up by everyday phenomena, is in itself overwhelmingly sufficient to constitute a foundation for an aesthetic of everyday life. 

Textuality/Interpretations (Texts and their inherent lack of perceptual immediacy)

Everything in language belongs to the process of understanding

Human understanding/interpretation takes place not in the immediacy of representational thinking but rather in the lack of  objects and experiences available for direct confrontation. 

John Dewey
Live Creature, an aesthetic experience comes to be defined as active and alert commerce with the world. Life does not merely go on in an environment, but rather because of an environment and because we interact with it. 

Up, Across and Along
Tim Ingold

J.M.W. Turner (1775-1853)
Dunwich, Suffolk,c. 1830

Jacqueline Rose's catalogue essay on Therese Oulton

How to paint the earth lovingly but without false solace,a world in which love might be impotent?

But then, at the very moment you have ceded such intimacy, she manages to give you the sensation of a world hurtling to the point when there might no longer be anything, or anyone there.

The Art of Jeremy Gardiner

Robert Ayers

Often for these painters the experience that they concern themselves with most directly, is that of nature, which in its vast and enormously inflected range can act as a metaphor for lived experience.

They are concerned more with how nature feels than how landscape looks. They share too an awareness that it is the translation of that feeling into paint mark, the achievement of an equivalence, that is of crucial importance. It is in the consummation of paint and experience that picture-making finds experience.

Paint marks flicker as we look at them between substance and illusion.


Landscapes are contested, untidy and messy, tensioned, always in the making. Our landscapes of modernity are frequently on the move and peopled by diasporas and migrants of identity, people making homes in new places.
An Anthropology of Landscape

Christopher Tilley, Kate Cameron-Daum

Studies in the Everyday
Ben Highmore

Lukács’s Literary Cartography:
Spatiality, Cognitive Mapping, and The Theory of the Novel
Robert T. Tally Jr.

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