Sunday, 18 August 2024

Indexical Trace/Drawing : Anthropocentrism/Hospitality.

Outpost 14082

Figurative Anthropocentrism in the Visual Arts/Humanities.


Architectural Body.

A figure in congress with its environment.

Attunement is a living dynamic relation with another being, it doesn't stop.

De-constructivist Drawings.

Causal Matter Remains.

Reclaiming the papers reserve, its infinite space, through the reclamation of mark making.

Drawing/Veering towards things.

All lines as vectors of movement, situated to have immediate phenomenal values.

Seeking out, a line that searches for a corporeal congress.

Immediate primal territories of making/tuning differences.

Marks of attunement and adaption that we can own and explore.

Indexical Trace/Butades, definitive space/body of a boundary of sensation. 

Bodily inclusion, a drawing hidden yet revealing its presence intimately to the papers total surface. 

A lines movement, its attunement/demarcation to the body, of the body, creates the flow of sensation, simultaneous lines make explicit the absence of the matter into form.  

On the manner of attunement, since a thing cannot be known directly or totally, one can only attune to it with greater or lesser degrees of intimacy. Nor is this attunement a 'merely' aesthetic approach to a basically blank extensional substance. Since appearance can't be peeled decisively from the reality of a thing. 

In Art As In Life.

What would it look like if we allowed more and more things to have some kind of power over us?

There is an excessive intensity to the energy of things that can't be contained efficiently. This can produce a type of restricted economy, that is an economy in which the dominant theme is efficiency.

Living in a society based on principles of restriction and efficiency, a modern life that is tight and restrictive and full of all kinds of police and policing, of policing pleasure, of keeping lifeforms alive. In the end any style of efficiency is going to be stifling and uncreative, not allowing for malfunctions and accidents.

Art is a place where we get to see what it means to be human or whatever, which is why what I do is called humanities, which contains a lot of different temporal formats, realising this is what ecological awareness is all about. It's the equivalent to acknowledging in a deep way, the existence of things that aren't you with whom you coexist. Once you've done that you can't un-acknowledge it. There's no going back.

All Art Is Ecological/Tunings. Timothy Morton.

Painting adds perspectives of emotions through colour.

An idea for a painting is a way of seeing inquiry/nurturing it/gathering an idea for exploration between interior-exterior. 


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