Tuesday, 6 August 2024

The Architecture and Analogies found in Interior Spaces : Analogue Processes in Photography

 Analogue Processes in Photography 

"The imprint of light on emulsion"

"The alchemy of circumstance and chemistry"

Tacita Dean : Filmworks, Kodak Analogue, page 96/97

Analogue : On Zoe Leonard and Tacita Dean. Margaret Iversen 2012

It is only now, with the rise of digitalization and the near-obsolescence of traditional technology, that we are becoming fully aware of the distinctive character of analogue photography. This owl-of-Minerva-like appreciation of the analogue has prompted photographic art practices that mine the medium for its specificity. Indeed, one could argue that analogue photography has only recently become a medium in the fullest sense of the term, for it is only when artists refuse to switch over to digital photographic technologies that the question of what constitutes analogue photography as a medium is selfconsciously posed. While the benefits of digitalization—in terms of accessibility, dissemination, speed, and efficiency—are universally acknowledged, some people are also beginning to reflect on what is being lost in this great technological revolution


Translucency/Waverley Abbey, (Harold Brakspear FSA, courtesy of Damien Blower)
Pinhole Photography, Winchester Discovery Centre and Library.

In Solarized Light : The Unbound Body #2
Photogram from Victorian corset.

Concrete Surfaces : Anatomy #2
Dark Gothic Sensuality
Contact Photography
Science and Art

Alternative Processes, Tate Modern.
Photography and Architectural Space.
Cyanotype from Pinhole Camera

Clay Impression : Form and Segments
Surrounding Objects : Critical Proximity ~2
Research Material
Photographic Drawings


Architectural Environments
Surrounding Objects
2006 Birkhauser, Basel, Switzerland.

Geodesic Drawings : Observatory #2

Core, Periphery and Semiperiphery : Spatial Drawings #1

EMULSION : Photographic Landscape

A few feet below the ground a thick line of rock would mark us off from all that had gone before. Condensed into that six-inch sooty layer would be our cities, vehicles, roads, bridges, weapons. Also, all sorts of chemical compounds not found in the previous geological record.

Ian McEwan : The Children Act,  2014.

Reverberations from excavated land #1 (Excavated Shells)
Reverberations from excavated land #5 (Leper Graves)

The Leper Hospital : Anthropomorphic Geography/Landscape on Photographic Ground
Against SPACE : Place-Movement-Knowledge

"I wish to argue, in this chapter against the notion of space. Of all the terms we use to describe the world we inhabit, it is the most abstract, the most empty, the most detached from the realities of life and experience."

Tim Ingold



Excavated Landscapes : Morn Hill #2


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