Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Circulating Objects/Assemblages : Making Spaces/Creative Strategies

Outpost 091124

Occupant Spatial Relations 

Sites centred around interactions of creative practice and architectural theories of making spaces.

Architecture understood as a collection of collective parts.

A diagrammatic art of lived abstraction and lived-in abstraction.

A space for inhabiting experience.

Attention to material : Architecture as the excitement of building/dwelling/becoming

An inhabiting event is the medium of architecture.

Garden : Spatial Markers/Bodies/Paths.

Spatial Practices : Human Bodies/Spatial Bodies. Tate Modern. #7

Zuzana Kovar, notes that the shortcoming of Tschumi's event is that while it introduces a processional understanding of architecture and mobilizes the body in space, space it self remains static.

Equation becomes a spatial assemblage for occurrences.

For Deleuze, an 'assemblage' extends the understanding between bodies and spaces.

Program is determinate.

Event is indeterminate.

A program gives a fixed outcome, a fixed spatial experience. An event does not, critically the 'notion of event' is that it activates potentialities. Each space, may be thought of as composed of multiple singular potentialities that lay dormant, unless activated. 

All spaces contain multiple potentialities.

Event Is Not Program.

There is no architecture without actions, no architecture without events, no architecture without program.

Architecture=Space + Event.


Program is to be distinguished from 'event', a program is a determinate set of expected occurrences, a list of required utilities often based on social behavior, habit or custom. In contrast events occur as an indeterminate set of outcomes, revealing hidden potentialities or contradictions in a program and relating them to a particularly appropriate (or possibly exceptional) spatial configuration that may create conditions for unexpected events to occur.

Generating uncommon or unpredictable events through particular spatial configurations of the in-between.

Abject(ion) Studio Space.

Subjectivity/Spatial Bodies.

Discursive Objects/Architectural Occurrences/Resonances.

Assemblages, fired, raw pigments, paint, chalk, wax, plaster. 

The Enabling Constraint.

Objects become relational in conjunction with the ways in which the environment proposes its own constitutive limits.

Erin Manning.

Ceramics Speculative/Exploratory Practices.

New Ceramic Forms of Research/Theoretical Objects.

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