Friday, 28 February 2025

Curatorial Territories/Architectures on the Creation of Knowledge.

Photographic Collage : Temporal Framework/Spatial Frame

Thematic framework analysis is a qualitative research method that combines thematic analysis with framework analysis to analyse data. 

Thematic analysis identifies patterns in data, while framework analysis provides a more structured approach.

Curatorial approaches to thematic knowledge creation/production/wellbeing.

Sample glass panel Stevens Architectural Glass Competition,

Addenbrooke's Research Hospital, Cambridge 2014.

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Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Material Matters : When your mind starts moving/mattering spaces between actuality

Making : The Processual Character of Form.


Rethinking the animate, re-animating thought.

Tim Ingold.

Ingold insists on a flat, continuous and processual ontology of dwelling and becoming.

A Practice of Transformational Modalities.


The Processual Character of Form.

Organic life, as I envisage it, is active rather than reactive, the creative unfolding of an entire field of relations within which beings emerge and take on the forms they do, each in relation to the others. Life is the very process wherein forms are generated and held in place.

For Ingold, there is no environment without the folding and enmeshment that is the process of life. Organisms are not folded in on themselves and surrounded by an 'environment'. Instead organisms are points of growth of environment, and whose relations are rhizoidal; and the environment is better understood as a domain of entanglement.


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Saturday, 22 February 2025

Rendering Visible : Heuristic Mappings/Assemblages and the Production of Open Subjectivities

Visual material must capture non visible forces. Render visible, not render of reproduce the visible
Deleuze and Guattari

Interior : Gridshell

A Hut of One's Own, Ann Cline

For Irigaray, wonder corresponds to time, to space-time before and after that which can delimit. 
Wonder constitutes an opening prior to and following that which surrounds/enlaces.

The Intuition of The Infine

The intuition of a subject that at each point in the present remains unfinished and open to a becoming of the other that is neither simply passive nor simply active.

The Poetics of Space : The house, from cellar to garret. The significance of the hut.

"He will revive the primitivity and the specificity of the fears. In our civilization, which has the same light everywhere, and puts electricity in its cellars, we no longer go to  the cellar carrying a candle. But the unconscious cannot be civilized. It takes a candle when it goes to the cellar."

Gaston Bachelard.

Texts,Annotations, Foundations, Pathways, Corridors, Bookmarks, Walking, Thinking, Ramble, Cross Country, Disciplines,

Walking into Emergent Landscapes : Covehithe Beach
The OLD WAYS, a JOURNEY ON FOOT, Robert Macfarlane
“ Walking was a means of personal myth-making, but it also shaped his everyday longings:
 Edward Thomas not only thought on paths and of them, but also with them.”

“To Thomas, paths connected real places but they also led out-wards to metaphysics, backwards to history and inward to the self. These traverses- between the conceptual, the spectral and the personal-occur often without signage in his writing, and are among its most characteristic events. He imagined himself in topographical terms.”

DSC_0205 Archipelagic

Research Collage, Waverley Project/Reading Rooms

Blueprints : Anthropological Forms
Botanical traces with leper graves

Walberswick : DSC_0181a/Digital Pinhole. 2016

Being/Becoming : Aesthetics and Subjectivity
Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Reverie.
Nick Cave, The Lyre of Orpheus.
Hildur Gudnadottir, Saman.

Prints From Secrets and Ambiguity
Is there still an aesthetic illusion? And if not, a path to an “aesthetic” illusion, the radical illusion of secret, seduction and magic? Is there still, on the edges of hypervisibility, of virtuality, room for an image?
— Jean Baudrillard, The Conspiracy of Art, 2005

Jana Sterbak
Remote Control 1989

A heuristic technique (/hjᵿˈrɪstᵻk/; Ancient Greek: εὑρίσκω, "find" or "discover"), often called simply a heuristic, is any approach to problem solving, learning, or discovery that employs a practical method not guaranteed to be optimal or perfect, but sufficient for the immediate goals.

Non Spaces : Fire escape Winchester School of Art

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Ceramic Practice/Perception/Mind and Medium/The Jug/Things and Abstracts.

Ceramic Practice and Perception

Mind and Medium

Heuristic Material : Collage 

1. encouraging a person to learn, discover, understand, or solve problems on his or her own, as by experimenting, evaluating possible answers or solutions, or by trial and error: a heuristic teaching method.

2. serving to indicate or point out; stimulating interest as a means of furthering investigation.

abstracts : The Ruins of Cinema/Waverley Abbey Construction.

Flux/Fusion with nothingness and absorption 

Symbiotic relationship, feeding life, breath, energy, immanence

The visceral dark pots, meditations on existential feelings, volumes for thoughts, voids for imagination and fear, ecologies for living. 

The “New Ceramic Presence” a metamorphosis of meanings rather than in the eternity of symbols.

As always, the artist is led, not by patron, not by populace, certainly not by the critic, artist is led by artist. The artist is his/her own culture.

Rose Slivka. The New Ceramic Presence. 1961

The Garden Of Forking Paths

Chieko Mori, Spiral Wave

James Blackshaw, The Broken Hourglass

Helena Espuall, Home of Shadows and Whirlwinds

Jozef Van Wissem, The Mirror of Eternal Light

Chieko Mori, Tokyo Light

The very materiality forces its very form.

Pots invite us to consider the world that is gathered around them and through them. 

Loss of Relativity and the Forgetting of Air

Ceramics of immediacy/sensate in its own implicit space

And into the Fire

Post Studio Ceramics in Britain

Glenn Anderson. 2010

The politics of place rather than the nature of objects.

Clare Twomey most defines the post studio moment in British Ceramics.

Potters are making pots to be 'expressively photographed'.

Paintings have lost their 'relativity' becoming images rather can things. 

Rawson's ideal pot would die quietly in a glossy photograph, but comes to life in the hands.

Clay and mind works with the tactility formed and found from the voids of inside/outside divisions.

For Heidegger, the potter's medium is not clay, but space itself.

The thing of his essay is not a particular jug, but the essence of one.

The thrown walls of a jug may address that space. But the content or purpose of the object remains the voids within it and around it, which it brings into a sort of communion with one another.

Raku as an ideology

A philosophy must be arrived at through a direct involvement with the materials and the process.

Clay,The Body, Breath.

Ceramics, Fire,Energy.

The vessel's thingness does not lie at all in the material of which it consists, but in the void that holds it

The potter who forms sides and bottom on his wheel does not strictly speaking make the jug, he only shapes the clay, no, he shapes the void. For it, in it, and out of it, he forms the clay into the form. From start to finish the potter takes hold of the impalpable void and brings it forth as a container in the shape of a containing vessel.

Heidegger. Poetry Language Thought 1971. The Thing 1950.

Pots always inhabit espace-milieu for the pots own space is continuous with the space around it, into which it extends and which makes it perceptable.

Anecdote of The Jar.

Wallace Stevens. 1919.

The pot/jar/jug does very little to dictate what happens around it. But it nonetheless conditions that reality, takes dominion.

The Vessel

Death and The Human Body

Each object has palpable weight, stands its ground, each has a definite thickness. A thick wall that reciprocally shields the darkness within, from the light without.

Glenn Adamson. Matters of Fact.

The containment of the body in death.


Clay Jug as an emblematic object full of billions of stars

Jackie Leven

There is something about clay that is elemental, prebiotic. Many creation myths refer to the forming of man from clay, its the stuff of the world we live in, its what we walk on. Taking that material which symbolises our origins and then making vessels to house the body, creates a wonderful kind of circularity.

Julian Stair. Quietus 2012.

Paul Soldner on Raku as a state of mind, a way of thinking, a way to continue to create with the pot after firing. Raku for me creates a way of living, not a technique but an attitude for life. 

The intrinsic nature of the intimate contact with the pot continues to stimulate the potters response, the pot in its becoming is both a beginning and an end.

A distinguished Japanese potter, Mr Kawai of Kyoto, when asked how people are to recognize good work, answered simply, “with their bodies”. 

Bernard Leach

A Potter's Book

Symbiotic Relationships

Atmospheres and Surrounding Objects

Peter Zumthor 

Unknown Craftsman

Soetsu Yanagi

Put aside the desire to judge immediately, acquire the habit of just looking.

Do not treat the object as an object for the intellect.

Just be ready to receive passively without interposing yourself.

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Monday, 17 February 2025

Spatial/Intellectual/Processual Production : Messy Landscapes : Collage/Clayworks/Moholy-Nagy Vision in Motion

Practical Educational Establishments

Concentrations of intellectual production in political, scientific and artistic work in all areas of human activity.

The Art of Light
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy

Moholy-Nagy's educational concept was comprehensive, going far beyond purely artistic training and instead aiming for a fundamental ethical grounding of the social individual in education and design.

Educator, Modulator and Integrator, Hubertus Von Amelunxen.

Choreography of Existence : Holloways and making of Landscapes.
Dimitrij Mlekuz

The concept of assemblage works on various spatial and temporal scales and can hence be viewed more as an 'ecology' rather than an organism. In this case , I mean ecology not in the sense of environment, nature, pollution and so on, but in the sense of how things, human and otherwise, are imbricated with one another (Morton 2009, 2012).

Assemblages and ecologies that engender an agency that is all about an ability, to change things, and about the possibilities of worldly reconfigurings.

Dolphin and Tuin 2012:55

The task therefore is to educate the contemporary man as an integrator, the new designer able to re-evaluate human needs warped by machine civilisation. 

Moholy-Nagy, Vision in Motion, Chicago 1946

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Sunday, 9 February 2025

Objectional Spaces : Spatial Scaffoldings/Notes On Architecture

Strange Messengers.

Notes On Architecture.

Bodies In Space.

Sensations In Space and Time.

The Experience/entanglement of phenomena and idea.

Gildengate Documents/Collage/Pottery Works Farnham.

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