Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Beauty : Roger Scruton

Judging Beauty

Kant's claim is not that the judgement of taste is binding on everyone, but that it is presented as such, by the one who makes it.

When I describe something as beautiful I am describing it, not my feelings towards it
I am making a claim, and that seems to imply that others, if they see things aright, would agree with me.

Beauty, Roger Scruton

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Sunday, 2 April 2017

Photograms : Contact Photography

When you make photograms, without the use of a camera, you can indeed call that abstract photography, as the lens and the corresponding registration medium are lacking. No longer do you have pictures of reality or objects; you only have their shadows. It is a bit like Plato’s cave, where one could only imagine reality; the objects themselves were not visible.
—Thomas Ruff

Photogram from Victorian corset.

Found Objects : Archaeological Photogram

Camera Obscura : Interior of the Pottery at Kilquhanity

Spatial Photogram

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