Friday, 2 July 2021

J G Ballard, matters of aesthetics : The Plague of Images

The planet drowns in an ocean of photographic emulsion.

The more civilised we are, the fewer moral choices we have to make. But the mind atrophies. A moral calculus that took thousands of years to develop starts to wither from neglect. Once you dispense with morality, the important decisions become a matter of aesthetics.
Super Cannes, J G Ballard. 2000

Speculative Fields/Spatial Agents
Textual Realities, J G Ballard on Chris Marker

La Jetée "a fusion of science fiction, a psychological fable"

The sun has gone mad and stripped the earth of its ionosphere. For decades blasting radiation has poured upon earth, melting the polar caps and turning permafrost into streams, rivers, oceans. Huge deltas have been built, lakes formed, seas have risen.

The Drowned World, JG Ballard.

DSC_0149 Light/Darkroom

Cinema, Mizmaze St Catherine's Hill.

Amorphous Photography : Star Trails
Prints from an Archive of Negatives

"He rubbed his eyes. The riddle of his surroundings was confusing but his mind was quite clear - evidently his sleep had  benefited him. He was not in a bed at all as he understood the word, but lying naked on a very soft and yeilding mattress, in a trough of dark glass. The mattress was partly transparent, a fact he observed with a sense of insecurity, and below it was a mirror reflecting him greyly. Above his arm- and he saw with a shock that his skin was strangely dry and yellow - was bound a curious apparatus of rubber, bound so cunningly that it seemed to pass into his skin above and below. And this bed was placed in a case of greenish-coloured glass (as it seemed to him), a bar in the white framework of which had first arrested his attention. In the corner of the case was a stand of glittering and delicately made apparatus, for the most part quite strange appliances, though a maximum  and minimum thermometer was recognizable."

H. G. Wells : The Sleeper Awakes. 1899/1910

Spatiality : The Spatial Turn, Robert T. Tally Jr. 2013

Immediate Architectural Interventions, Durations and Effects : Apparatuses, Things and People in the Making of the City and the World. Alberto Altes Arlandis, Oren Lieberman. 2013

Preface (1921) ” The great city of this story is no more than a nightmare of Capitalism triumphant, a nightmare that was dreamt a quarter of a century ago. It is a fantastic possibility no longer possible. Much evil may be in store for mankind, but to this immense, grim organization of servitude, our race will never come” H.G. Wells. EastonGlebe, Dunmow,1921.

Veiled Melancholy/Book Narratives : Film Collages

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