Monday, 11 October 2021

Deconstruction of The Photographic/Unfinished Becomings : Research Collage #2

Blue Folder/Contents and Contexts of Interpretation
Texts, images, taxonomies, books, maps, characters

The Birth of Photography

The Experimental Period 1829-55
View from the Window at Le Gras (1826-27)
Nicephore Niepce

Library Window, Lacock Abbey (1835)
William Henry Fox Talbot

Sir John Herschel (1839), reveals that sodium thiosulfate can permanently 'fix' a photographic image

Photography and The Modern
Experimentation and Abstraction
Cut with the Kitchen Knife 1920 Hannah Hoch
The Constructor (Self Portrait) 1924 El Lissitzky
Avant-Garde Photography In The Weimar Republic
From the Radio Tower, Berlin 1928 Laszlo Moholy-Nagy
Photography Deconstructed
From Postmodernism to Globalization 1977-Present

I Am Not This Body
Barbara Ess

Reality requires a perceiver who has memories, thoughts, desires, emotions and beliefs that intersect with the phenomenal world.

The archaic immediacy of the pin-hole camera,
The Truth and The Grotesque, ambiguous perceptual boundaries between people, between the self and not self, between in here and out there.

Life Is Subjective
Reality includes a perceiver through whom experience is filtered.

The Physical reality of the world is recognised as/by its shadow within the mind, its negative then inverted entities that both exist simultaneously and emanate from the same phenomenological origin.

Floris Neususs
The size of Photograms is one of the sources of their particular power : they always portray subjects to scale, unlike photography, in which the size of the image is arbitrary, and most usually depends on the size of the print, rather than the object that has been photographed.

Nudogram of Pregnant Woman 1967
Silver Gelatin Print, 190x64.5cm
Whole body photograms can  communicate intimacy, but in another sense  they can create detachment.

V&A London  2010-11

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