Friday, 15 October 2021

Visibility Reconceived : Haptic Vision/Subjective Possibilities, blueprints, paintings, collage.


Study Space : Outpost Studios

The Event Of Life Drawing
Haptic Vision
Mattering : Mind-Movement-Material

In and Out of Material. Tony Cragg

Becoming a subject in wonder. Lone Bertelsen

Francesca Woodman's photographs can help us develop a photo-thought that does not conceive of the photograph as a passive “representative image” but as a creative force that can participate in the production of new subjectivities. 
Chaosmosis. Guattari. 1995

What moves as a body.
Returns as a movement of thought.
Relationscapes : Movement-Art-Philosophy. Erin Manning.

When we see a male figure on a pedestal, we ask “who is it?” 
while a female figure prompts the question “what does it represent?” 
Monuments and Maidens : The Allegory of the Female Form. Marina Warner. 1985

Deleuzian accounts of drawing
Sex and gender in Life Drawing

Francesca Woodman : Whirling/Wonder
Equivalence and an intimate mode of noticing details

Manuel Neri : Female/Other (glorified and brutalized)
Ambivalence within hostile intimate relationships/materials

The primacy of drawing, artists and anatomy. Petherbridge.
Cultural Anatomy
The Naked and Nude Posed
Mirror, Fiona Banner. 2007

Modelling Subjectivities
Life Drawing
Popular Culture
Contemporary Art Education

Manuel Neri
The Figure Drawings

Life Drawing
A Body Of Relations
Spatial Apparatuses/Screens and Easels

Painting and drawing the nude : a search for a realism for the body through phenomenology and fine art practice
K Wallis, 2003. PhD thesis

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