Friday, 20 May 2022

Discursive Drawing, Documents/Architectures of Entanglements : Enchantment/Somantic Affects/Assemblage and Texts

The dynamic, and hence temporal, nature of space means that spatial production must be understood as part of an evolving sequence, with no fixed start or finish, and that multiple actors contribute at various stages. Spatial Agency, Jeremy Till.

Exploratory, Textual Entanglements, Perceptual Relationships.

DSC_8759 Discursive Documents : Enchantment/Somantic Affects, Jane Bennett Assemblage : Aesthetic Convergence Cultivation Field/Vibrant Matter Becoming complicit with materials Realist Magic, Objects, Ontology, Causality. Timothy Morton. 2013 Matter and Desire, an erotic ecology. Andreas Weber. 2017 Vibrant Matter, a political ecology of things. Jane Bennett. 2010 Therese Oulton Paintings and new digital prints Lines of Flight. 2006 Being Alive Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description Tim Ingold. 2011 MAKING vibrant gaps/assemblages between the texts/images/objects and everyday things LANDSCAPES OF AFFECTIVE AESTHETIC ATTRACTION MATERIALS THEMSELVES become the TOOLS of PERCEPTION Enchantment from the potential of things. The Fabric of thoughts The invisible within the visible (energy,magic,causality) RELATEDNESS, connected to the Place and Function of Things within a Field. Texts, form their own contexts/reflexivity, breaking down phenomena into meaning, conclusions and critique, they render phenomena and its psychic information redundant. We think we know how we should feel sociologically, yet in doing so we deny ourselves the direct affectiveness of people and objects that can provide different perceptual relationships. EMBODIED KNOWLEDGE=ECOLOGY Lygia Clark : A Space open to time. Cornelia H. Butler The World is a Collage Collage and montage are quintessential techniques in modern and contemporary art and filmmaking. Collage combines pictorial motifs and fragments from disconnected origins into a new synthetic entity which casts new roles and meanings to the parts. It suggests new narratives, dialogues, juxtapositions and temporal durations. Its elements lead double-lives; the collaged ingredients are suspended between their originary essences and the new roles assigned to them by the poetic ensemble. Juhani Pallasmaa Hapticity and Time Notes on a fragile Architecture The Perception of the Environment Essay in Livelihood, dwelling and skill Tim Ingold See Yourself Sensing Redefining Human Perception Madeline Schwartzman STILLNESS IN A MOBILE WORLD Bissell, Fuller

Spatial Agency : Lefebvre's redefinition of space

Its production is a shared enterprise.

Social space is dynamic space; its production continues over time and is not fixed to a single moment of completion. This dynamic inevitably shifts the focus of spatial attention away from the static objects of display that constitute the foreground of so much architectural production, and moves it onto the continuous cycle of spatial production, and to all the people and processes that go into it.

Social space is intractably political space, in so much as people live out their lives in this space, and so one has to be continuously alert to the effects of that space on those lives. 

Spatial Agency, Other ways of Doing Architecture, Jeremy Till

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