Sunday, 21 July 2024

The Social Life of Making : Thoughts with materials, making good, occupation and maintenance

 A Species of Spaces 

The Social Turn 

Museum Site and Display 

Political Philosophy

We have all the choice in the world in terms of products, but very little choice in terms of the kind of economy within which those things are made, accessed and used

Whose Economy Reframing the Debate After Neoliberalism Doreen Massey

Other 'material interventions' and the revaluation of making through strategies of repair and maintenance

Making Ecological Politics

A world teeming with impulsive movements, deviations and many other lively (capacious) materialities Influences that pervade, enable, and disrupt us

Vibrant Matter, Jane Bennett

Makers work in a world that does not stand still

Iteration allows for continual correction (material conversation) in response to an ongoing perceptual monitoring of the task as it unfolds, mixing the potential for blending or combining matter that already exists into new combinations

Tim Ingold 2010

Making is central to who we are as individuals, what we make as part of everyday practice forms our identities and place in the world

The mundane experience of making, and thus of labour, is resolutely political, a geographical imperative, and a critical means of operating a meaningful relationship with this material life The Quarry as Sculpture : The Place of Making

D A Paton 2013

The making of a building does not stop when the building work is (temporarily) finished. But only really begins upon occupation, when the work commences of maintaining the buildings integrity against an onslaught of willfully destructive elements, insects, rodents, fungal infestations, corrosion, damp, harsh sun, water, wind

Evocative Thoughts on Building, Alvaro Siza 

The social life of making

Making good is about maintaining continuity with the past, in the face of efforts to rupture that continuity.

The need for repair is a remorseless and necessary process that keeps society ticking over.

Posted by Russell Moreton on 29 May 2022

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