Thursday, 18 July 2024

Outpost 180724

The Essential Mobility of Concepts. 

Correspondences faithful to the dynamism of imagination.

At the level of substances and their affective qualities/values.

Elemental Images.

Poetics of Air-Water-Fire-Space

A fecundity of instants, a mutative pattern rather than an additive or deductive one.

Reverie shatters frozen meanings and restores old words to their ambivalence and freedom. It reconciles the world and the subject, present and past, solitude and communication. There is only one requirement, that it seek (written) expression, whether through original creation or through an already existing encounter poem).

I should like to develop a philosophy that would have no point of departure.

Gaston Bachelard.

In those last days, she worked down here almost constantly, perhaps wondering when she would be able to sculpt again. When she gave them to us, she said she didn't see any point in just leaving them in the studio.

I carefully clipped his nails, starting from the little finger of his left hand. The nails were soft and transparent, and came away with the least effort, fluttering to the floor like flower petals. We listed to the quiet clicking of the clippers, their echoes sealing this moment in the depth of the night. When I finished, the sky-blue gloves were waiting on the table.

And that is how the Inui family vanished.

The Memory Police, Yoko Ogawa.

The Outside Studio.

Roger Ackling.

Drawing as notation of an event.

To fix the sun's rays.

To unify experience.

To mark place and time.

To seal them off from loss and forgetfulness.

On Poetic Imagination and Reverie.

Gaston Bachelard.

Colette Gaudin.

Images are incapable of repose, they must be studied simultaneously as isomorphic and unique.

The Poetics of Space.

Contradictions are the principle of aesthetic life.

Poetic language expresses the continuous tension within a substance, and as such it is by virtue of the dialectic of opposite qualities that poetic matter fascinates us.

Imagination not only sees a substantive within an adjective, it also finds a verb concealed under each word.

A value is not something already achieved, it is a becoming, an aspiration, moreover every value evokes its opposite and is in constant struggle with it. Bachelard finds in poetry an application of the philosophy of values that insist on their precariousness.

Bachelard allows his classifications to overlap, or superimpose one dialectic on another, he illustrates his unwillingness to establish a definitive system, less a structure, he is more interested  in the constant discovery of surprising poetic relationships which enrich the world.

For Bachelard, contradictions within matter are the true principles of individualization. Contradictions become alive when they require the participation of the entire subject, images that engage all our senses.

Contradictions are more than mere tolerance of judgement for unusual associations, they express the need to displace facts by value.

Bachelard rejects the role of the scholar who shares the fruit of his learning in the form of established truths, and invites us to experience with him, the essential mobility of concepts. 

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