In his discussion of mediators, Gilles Deleuze (1995,121) describes being taken up in the motion of a big wave. He notes that instead of looking for 'points of origin' attention should be directed to mediators that enable a 'putting-into-orbit' that facilitate the movement of concepts, sensations and matter without recourse to origins or destinations.
Katve-Kaisa Kontturi uses the term 'intercessor' instead of 'mediator' as it aligns better with Deleuze's argument, where importance is placed not on mediating between already formulated shapes or beings, but on opening beings up to movement through a third actant.
For Deleuze (1995,125), Intercessors are about entering into or creating a series.
Gilles Deleuze. 1995, Negotioations, 1972-1990.
Translated by Martin Joughin. New York: Columbia University Press.
Notes, Introduction
Ways of Following
Art, Materiality, Collaboration
Katve-Kaisa Kontturi
Open Humanities Press
London 2018
Immaterial Architectures : Raveningham Pavilion #1
DSC_3283 Raku Beakers : Lead Glaze/Yellow Ochre
DSC_4049 Field Aesthetic : Causality/Layered Drawings
DSC_3776 Sacred/Secular : Vessels on Painting
DSC_4097 Field Aesthetic : Causality/Layered Drawings
DSC_8923 Artists Studio : Collage/Photography/Painting
Outpost Studies

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