Sunday, 4 February 2024

Drawing Surfaces : Situated Knowledges/Constructing Atmospheres

Outpost 120123

Constructing Atmospheres/Test Sites for an Aesthetics of Joy.

Margit Brunner. 2015

Red Is Not A Colour

Architectural Concepts

Bernard Tschumi

What role does the audience play in the definition of a provocative project?

What are the ways in which I want to construct my world?

The in-between chapters that reveal his underlying beliefs and influences. From movies to built spaces or from art pieces to historical events, a melting pot of his imagination. This is where we understand what Tschumi means by his endless questioning  of the world and what the architect's contribution could be.

Antoine Vaxelaire, AA 5th Year. 2013. 

Marking The Line

Ceramics and Architecture.

Christie Brown, Carina Ciscato, Nicolas Rena and Clare Twomey in response to Sir John Sloane.


Aesthetic Phenomenon

Aesthetic Causality

Sensual Object


Graham Harman reminds us that moments of allure, the fusion of always accessible sensual qualities onto a reified sensual object, are ontologically special experiences, but they are very common in human life.

Architecture articulates our experiences of being-in-the world.

The very essence of the lived experience is moulded by hapticity and peripheral unfocused vision.

Pallasmaa. 2005

The simple complexity of the sensibility found in textures and the drama of shadows.

Developing natural aptitudes through the sense of touch.

The senses considered as perceptual systems are defined as a haptic system in which the sensibility of the individual to the world adjacent to their body and by use of their body.

J Gibson. 1966

In some cultures, the senses of smell, touch and taste have collective importance for memories, behaviour and communication.

Indigenous clay and mud constructions, with their plastic properties, seem to be generated more from the haptic senses than the eye.

Hapticity and Alvar Aalto's Architecture.

Sam Barnham.

David Abram, The Spell of the Sensuous. 1996

Juhani Pallasmaa, The Eyes of the Skin. 2005

Juhani Pallasmaa, The Thinking Hand. 2009

Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space. 1969

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