Sunday, 14 May 2023

 Outpost 100523

The line that develops freely and in its own time goes out for a walk, and in reading it the eyes follow the same path as did the hand in drawing it.

The Thinking Eye, Paul Klee. 1961

Lefebvre acknowledges that geographical space created through the body, through routes which were inscribed by means of simple linear markings. These first markings, paths and tracks drawn into the landscape would become the pores through which without colliding would produce the establishment of places and localities made special for one reason or another.  

Another kind of line however is in a hurry. It wants to get from one location to another, and another but has little time to do so. For Klee, the appearance of this line is more like a series of appointments than a walk. This appointment seeking line goes from point-to-point, in sequence as quickly as possible and in principle in no time at all. For every successive destination is already fixed prior to setting out and each segment of the line is predetermined by the point it connects.

The Walk and The Assembly.

Tim Ingold.

Life Drawing.

Herbert Boeckl is not concerned with beauty of line, as his predecessors Klimt and Schiele were; he always sees the body in the context of space and draws 'from within': he builds up his figures from a structural core. The surface thus takes on a strongly moulded, modelled aspect.

Georg Eisler.

From Naked to Nude.

Wayfaring a Human Landscape.

Material : The ways/movements of practice.

Making : The designed/the discursive.

The lines of the network in a contemporary sense, join the dots, they are connectors. 

The lines of the meshwork by contrast are the trails along which is lived.

Up, Across and Along. 

Tim Ingold.

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