Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Seeing Dark Things : Chemical Photography/Images from the darkroom.

 Concept of a 'Filtow'

A filtered radiance emanating from a vessel not an object interrupting a beam of light.

Seeing Dark Things.

Roy Sorensen.

The thing contained is not the thing contained.

The spherical intersection space was also crafted in curved thin wood layers.

Steven Holl.

The Representation of Deep Time.

The Mutability of Colour Relationships.

Unleashed Colour World.

Manifestations of Unhindered Radiance.

Albers, yellow square.

Monrian, square of yellow in its field of white. 

For both Mondrian and Winifred Nicholson, colour concentrates light and transforms the world.

Flowers were sparks of light.

I used flowers as chalices of light to make my own pictures.

My Cibachrome darkroom has been as much a domestic space as the Alber's basement and Winifred Nicholson's farmhouse kitchen. They are places where ideas about the emotional range of a yellow square can exist as naturally as reflections and shadows cast by the sun and moon.

In this new colour world of mine, the circle became nature, and the square became thought.


The circle and square together embody what I think of as human nature.

Dark Room, Garry Fabian Miller.

Generating an Aura.

Fusing and Pulsating Pigment.

Pinhole Photography 

Photo Tin/Medium.



Site Cyanotypes/Drawings/Intermediaries

Spatial Collages Reconfigured  

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