Friday 5 May 2023

Blue Planet : Bioscleave/Blue Particle Cloud/Diagram.




Gins and Arakawa 2002

Although the human condition is a crisis condition if ever there was one, few individuals and societies act with the dispatch a state of emergency requires. The fact that the human condition is a crises condition gets routinely covered up, with culture invariably functioning to obscure how dire the condition is and to float it as bearable

If organisms form themselves as persons by uptaking the environment, then they involve not only bodies but domains, spheres of activity and influence 

Start by thinking of architecture as a tentative constructing toward a holding in place. Architecture's holding in place occurs within and as part of a prevailing atmospheric condition that others routinely call biosphere but which we, feeling the need to stress its dynamic nature, have renamed bioscleave

Procedural Architure/Architectural Body 

Gins and Arakawa

The role of architecture as a tool for researching the body-environment towards the implementation of these considerations is paramount

The goal of an experimental teaching and learning space based on architectural procedures would be that the process of design and construction would allow students/staff to rethink, re-imagine and enact the curriculum

An Arakawa and Gins Experimental Teaching Space/A Feasibility Study 2013

Jondi Keane

An Architecture of Viability

To help to sustain one throughout life/ to stay tentative

Bioscleave House as an inter-active laboratory of everyday life 

Wayfinding (unpacking discourse/meaning) through Landing Sites and Architectural Bodies

What is the metachallenge that bioscleave demands of us? Is it, I propose, wayfinding, a wayfinding defined at many scales from finding one's way as a person to finding one's way in a strange physical or social environment

Exploring the Roles of Trajectoriness, Affectivatoriness, and Imaging Along 2013

Reuben M. Baron

Figure/Ground : Double Occupations of Discourses and Events (relationships/co-existances)

So as a diagram (performative agent), the figure/ground does not function to represent even something real. But rather constructs a real that is yet to come (theoretical object/apparatus) as a new type of reality

Situated Field/Constructed Site of People, Institutions, Apparatuses, Events, Discourses

We see intraventions as heuristic devices, as apparatuses that are imbued with a will to transform.

The intravention is not autonomous but contingent and relational and dependent on many other things

The intravention is made as it happens, and it makes us at the same time

Immediate Architectural Interventions, Durations and Effects

Oren Lieberman, Alberto Altes

AEffect initiating Heuristic Life

Procedural architecture, developed in both their written and buillt discourse, providing a process by which to connect theory to practice, disciplinary inquiry to knowledge and art to life

Research should be conducted , not in a library or laboratory but where living happens, enabling the complexity of relationships to be studied within and across the organism-person-environment 

Jondi Keane

Carnal Knowledge

Towards a New Materialism through the Arts

Estelle Barrett, Barbara Bolt

To provide observational heuristic devices so that persons may devise transformational and reconfigurative opportunities

Heuristic tools whether built hypothesis or discursive sequences, are of no use if they do not provide a way forward, a way of learning

This house is a tool, a procedural one

A functional tool, whether it be a hammer, a telephone, or a telescope, extends the senses, but a procedural tool examines and reorders the sensorium

Interlude : Cornering a Beginning

An object becomes the threshold for thinking feeling

Relationscapes : Movement, Art, Philosopy

Erin Manning 

Born into a new territory, and that territory is myself as organism. There is no place to go but here. Each organism that persons finds the new territory that is itself, and having found it, adjusts it

Ellipsis,(gaps in everyday narratives) 

The Construction of Representation of Identity

Using their bodies and immediate surroundings and environment as both subject and context

An Organism-Person-Environment

You cannot see me from where I look at myself

Francesca Woodman

An organism-person-environment has given birth to an organism-person-environment


Chaos, Territory, Art

Deleuze and the framing of the earth

Elizabeth Grosz

Body, Personal Relations, Spatial Values

Upright Human Body : Space and Time

Yi Fu Tuan

Figuring It Out

The Parallel Visions of Artists and Archaeologists

Colin Renfrew

The act of relating is analysed as a constitutive feature of human agency. Relating is viewed as the continuous work of connecting and disconnecting in a fluctuating network of existential events

Categories and things may make it easier for us to grasp reality but they also hide its underlying complexities

Relationality 2005

Robert Cooper

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