Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Confronting The Human Body : A Body Of Relations

 Outpost 270423

Temporal Demarcations.

Figural Workshop.

Confronting The Human Body.

The Psychology of Nakedness.

Looking/Showing/The Eye/The Gaze.

In the scopic field, the gaze is outside; I am looked at, that is to say, I am a  picture.

The spectacle of the world, in this sense, appears to us as all-seeing, this all-seeing aspect is to be found in the satisfaction of a woman who knows that she is being looked at, on condition that one does not show her that one knows that she knows.

Jacques Lacan.

What is a Picture.

The Split between The Eye and the Gaze.

A Body of Relations.

Reconfiguring The Life Class.

In the article What is a Picture? Jaques Lacan relates the space between the gaze and the eye to the 'screen'. The 'screen' allows the simultaneous perception and projection of the image. In the life class, Lacan's gaze is significant for the life model and the artist as it formulates the intentions of the psychological engagement and reveals the fundamental pursuit of desire in the methodology of life drawing practice. The subject needs to become an object of its own 'scopic drives' and therefore possessed by the perception of others. Lacan's gaze is somewhat estranged from the body, as it never allows for subjectivity to be fully complete.

Yuen Fong Ling. 2016

Palimpsest/Involuntary Surfaces.

Drawing/Corporeal Intertwinings of body/space.


Haptic/Visual Abstractions.


Life Class/Drawing.

The contested space/subject of the nude as a form of art.

The Impossible Nude.


Dyeline Sheet/Rolled Inked Surface.  

Charcoal/Burnt Umber/Pencil

Shading Colour/Glass Pigments/Fired Glass.

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